آبِي چَڪَرُ: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
مسنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
م Reverted edits by Jogi don (talk) to last revision by مھتاب احمد
سِٽَ 1:
[[FileImage:Watercyclesummarywatercycle.jpg|thumb|300px250px|آبِي چَڪَرُ The water cycle]]
[[File:Earth's Water Cycle.ogv|thumb|Earth's water cycle]]
[[File:The Water Cycle.ogv|thumb|As the Earth's surface water evaporates, winds move water in the air from the sea to the land, increasing the amount of fresh water on land.]]
[[Image:The Water Cycle Watering the Land.ogv|thumb|Water vapor is converted to clouds that bring fresh water to land in the form of rain or snow.]]
[[Image:The Water Cycle - Following the Water.ogv|thumb|Precipitation falls on the ground, but what happens to that water depends greatly on the geography of the land at any particular place.]]
[[عڪس:Water_cycle.png|thumb|آبِي چَڪَرُ]]
==آبي چڪر ڇا آهي؟==
آبي چڪر اسان کي ڌرتيءَ تي، ۾ ۽ مٿان پاڻيءَ جو وجود ۽ چُرپُر سمجھائي ٿو. ڌرتيءَ جو پاڻي هميشه چرپر ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ هر وقت پنهنجي صورت مَٽائيندو رهي ٿو؛ پٽڙي کان برفَ ، ٻاڦَ، ۽ پوءِ واپس پٽڙو. آبي چڪر اربن [[سال|سالن]] کان هلندو اچي ۽ ڌرتيءَ تي سموري حيات ۽ جيوت جو جاري ساري رهڻ ان تي ئي دارومدار رکي ٿو. پاڻيءَ کان سواءِ [[ڌرتي]] رهڻ لائق نه هجي هئا.<br>