مدد:سي ايس1 غلطيون: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
This page describes the error messages reported by the Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2 citations, what they mean, and how editors might resolve the errors. Category:CS1 errors is the general errors category and Category:CS1 maintenance is the general maintenance category. Errors in the <ref> system can be found at Help:Cite errors. Citation Style 1<noinclude> زمرو:دستاویزي مدد سانچا </noinclude>
ٽيگ: 2017ع ذريعو سنوار
م خودڪار: اضافو زمرا : + زمرو:وڪيپيڊيا طريقيڪار
سِٽَ 1:
This page describes the error messages reported by the Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2 citations, what they mean, and how editors might resolve the errors. Category:CS1 errors is the general errors category and Category:CS1 maintenance is the general maintenance category.
Line 5 ⟶ 4:
[[Help:Citation Style 1|Citation Style 1]]<noinclude>
[[زمرو:وڪيپيڊيا طريقيڪار]]
[[زمرو:دستاویزي مدد سانچا]]