ملائڪ: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 24:
بائيبل ڪٿي ڪٿي خدا ء ملائڪ ۾ فرق نہ رکيو آهي. مثال طور بائيبل م لکيل آهي تہ خدا جو ملائڪ موسیٰ جي آڏو ٻرندڙ ٻوڙي ۾ نمودار ٿيو، پر ٻن آيتن بعد بيان ٻڌائي ٿو تہ خدا موسیٰ کي
ساڳي ٻوڙي مان سڏ ڪيو. عبراني بائيبل ۾ ملائڪن جا ٻہ ٻيا قسم بہ ڏنل آھن جن ۾ ھڪ: سريفيم ، جيڪي نانگ وانگر ڇھن پرن وارا ھوندا آھن. وچين دؤر جي عيسائيت ۾ کين اعلیٰ رتبي واري حيثيت ڏني وئي جن جي پھچ خدا جي تخت تائين ھئي، ۽ ٻيو قسم: چيروبيم :پرن وارا جيڪي انساني خصوصيتن وارا آھن جيڪي آدم ۽ ايو{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي=Eve}} جي نيڪالي کان پوءِ عدن جي باغ جا نگھبان ھيا<ref name = " Time "/>.
As described in the Book of Exodus, golden images of two cherubim sat upon the Ark of the Covenant facing each other. Their wings spreading toward each other formed the mercy seat of God. Angels are sparsely mentioned in the early writings of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament. In this section, they function primarily as messengers; however, they also serve as protectors and guides, agents doing God’s bidding, attacking enemies, and leading God’s people. In later Old Testament writings, angels become more prominent with a shift in roles and nature, perhaps due to Babylonian and Zoroastrian influence. Here, angels reveal secrets From the time of Constantine the Great (280–337 CE) and afterward, angels have regularly been depicted as having wings as shown on this statue in Seville, Spain. Source: Duncan Walker/iStockphoto. about the future and interpret visions and dreams. The Book of Daniel provides the first occurrence of named angels—Gabriel and Michael. Daniel also introduces the beginning of a hierarchy of angels, where Michael is called the “great prince.” During the Intertestamental period (4th to 1st centuries BCE), angelology greatly expanded, perhaps due to Persian influence (specifically Zoroastrianism). Angels were thought of as too numerous to count. They began to be placed in an ordered hierarchy, giving rise to the development of archangels. Also introduced is the idea of “fallen angels,” thus the beginning of the dualistic idea of good and evil angels. In this thought, angels have free will and the ability to choose to disobey God. Some angels were a part of angelic armies. Other angels took on the role of protector or guardian angel. For example, Raphael protects Tobit as he travels to Media. In the Christian Bible, or New Testament (1st century CE), angels announce the birth of Jesus and continue to carry out God’s works. They attend to Jesus’s needs while he is in the wilderness; however, they are inferior to him. The Book of Jude speaks of angels who rebelled against being held for the Day of Judgment. In the Book of Revelation, angels play a prominent role in the final battle between good and evil forces. The archangel Michael leads an army of angels into a battle against Satan. Satan loses the battle, and he and his angels are cast down to the earth
[[File:An allegory of poetry.jpg|thumb|شاعري جي ھڪ خيالي مخلوق جي ڪھاڻي ]]