سومقاييت: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 41:
== تاريخ==
Theمؤرخن firstمطابق reportsوچولي ofدؤر settlements۾ atھن theشھر presentواري siteمقام ofتي Sumgayitميدي wereنسل inوارا 1580,ماڻھو whenرھندا Englishھيا. travellerتاريخ H.۾ Barrowسومقاييت mentionedواري Sumgayitشھر inجي hisرھائشي writingsوسندي andجو inذڪر 1858,1580ع when۾ [[Alexanderھڪ Dumas]]انگريز wroteسياح aboutايڇ theبرو areaڪيو inھو. hisان memoirsبعد 1858ع ۾ [[اليگزينڊر دوماس]] پنھجي ڪتاب ''Tripٽرپ toآف Caucasusقفقاز'', although۾ nothingڪيو substantial۾ wasڪيو. created onسويت theريپبلڪ siteجي untilقيام theتائين [[Soviet Union]]ھتي gainedڪا controlخاص overقابل theذڪر areaترقي inڪانہ theٿي 1920sھئي.<ref name=exe-2>{{cite web |url=http://sumqayit-ih.gov.az/content.php?page=passport |title=Sumqayıt şəhər icra hakimiyyəti. Yaranma tarixi |trans-title=Sumgayit Executive Power. History |access-date=2010-12-29 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101220062500/http://sumqayit-ih.gov.az//content.php?page=passport |archive-date=2010-12-20 |df= }}</ref>
مؤرخن مطابق قديم دؤر ۾
According to historians, [[Medes|Medean tribes]] lived in the area. During the construction boom, when the foundation of the executive power building was being excavated, remains of an ancient [[caravanserai]] along with personal items and kitchenware was found at the site.
The first reports of settlements at the present site of Sumgayit were in 1580, when English traveller H. Barrow mentioned Sumgayit in his writings and in 1858, when [[Alexander Dumas]] wrote about the area in his memoirs ''Trip to Caucasus'', although nothing substantial was created on the site until the [[Soviet Union]] gained control over the area in the 1920s.<ref name=exe-2>{{cite web |url=http://sumqayit-ih.gov.az/content.php?page=passport |title=Sumqayıt şəhər icra hakimiyyəti. Yaranma tarixi |trans-title=Sumgayit Executive Power. History |access-date=2010-12-29 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101220062500/http://sumqayit-ih.gov.az//content.php?page=passport |archive-date=2010-12-20 |df= }}</ref>