ايوڊيڪاٽس: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 24:
[[File:Arabis voch1-4.jpg|thumb|right|''[[عربيس]]'' کي ٽي پولن ڪولپاء ھوندا آھن]]
'''ايوڊيڪاٽس'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''eudicots '''}} يا '''ايوڊيڪاٽيڊاء'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''Eudicotidae '''}} يا '''ايوڊيڪاٽائليڊونس'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''eudicotyledons '''}} گلن وارن ٻوٽن جو بڻ (clade) آھن جن کي پراڻن ليکڪن '''ٽرائڪولپيٽز''' يا نان-ميگنوليئڊ ڊڪوٽس سڏيو ھو. اھي نباتاتي لفظ علم نباتات جي ماھر [[جيمز اي. ڊوييل]] 1991 ۾ متعارف ڪرايا <ref name="Endress_2002">{{cite journal|last=Endress|first=Peter K.|title=Morphology and Angiosperm Systematics in the Molecular Era|journal=Botanical Review|year= 2002|volume=68|issue=4|series=Structural Botany in Systematics: A Symposium in Memory of William C. Dickison|pages=545–570|jstor=4354438 |doi=10.1663/0006-8101(2002)068[0545:maasit]2.0.co;2|url=http://doc.rero.ch/record/313995/files/12229_2008_Article_684545.pdf}}</ref> ٽرائڪولپيٽز يا نان-ميگنوليئڊ ڊڪوٽس کان مختلف ثابت ٿيڻ تي لفظ ايوڊيڪاٽس جو علم نباتات (Botony) ۾ وڏيگھڻي پيمانيڀاڱي تي[[اينجيوسپرمس]] ايا [[مونوڪاٽس]] ۽ ميگنوليئڊس لاءِ اختيار ڪيو ويو. دنيا جا کوڙ ٻوٽا ايوڊيڪاٽس آهن جن م عام کاڌي وارا ٻوٽا يا وڻ ۽ سونھن وارا ٻوٽا شامل آهن جن م [[سورج مکي]] فرگيٽ مي ناٽ، ، بند گوبي ۽ ٻيا شامل آهن.
The term "eudicots" has subsequently been widely adopted in [[botany]] to refer to one of the two largest clades of [[angiosperm]]s (constituting over 70% of the angiosperm species), [[monocots]] being the other. The remaining angiosperms include [[magnoliids]] and what are sometimes referred to as [[basal angiosperms]] or paleodicots, but these terms have not been widely or consistently adopted, as they do not refer to a [[monophyletic]] group.
The other name for the eudicots is '''tricolpates''', a name which refers to the grooved structure of the [[pollen]]. Members of the group have tricolpate pollen, or forms derived from it. These pollens have three or more pores set in furrows called colpi. In contrast, most of the other [[seed plants]] (that is the [[gymnosperms]], the monocots and the paleodicots) produce monosulcate pollen, with a single pore set in a differently oriented groove called the sulcus. The name "tricolpates" is preferred by some botanists to avoid confusion with the dicots, a nonmonophyletic group.<ref name=Judd04>{{harvnb|Judd|Olmstead|2004}}</ref>
Numerous familiar plants are eudicots, including many common food plants, trees, and ornamentals. Some common and familiar eudicots include members of the [[Asteraceae|sunflower family]] such as the common [[dandelion]], the [[forget-me-not]], [[cabbage]] and other members of [[Brassicaceae|its family]], [[apple]], [[buttercup]], [[maple]], and [[macadamia]]. Most leafy trees of midlatitudes also belong to eudicots, with notable exceptions being magnolias and tulip trees which belong to [[m