ڌرتيءَ جي طبعي، ڪيميائي، ۽ جياڀياسي سرشتن بابت معلومات گڏ ڪرڻ کي ڌر مشاهدو چئبو آهي. ان ذريعي ڌرتيءَ جي قدرتي ۽ بشري (هٿرادو) ماحول جي حالت توڙي تبدلين جو اڀياس ڪيو ويندو آهي. ويجھي ماضيءَ ۾ ڌر مشاهدي جا طريقا ٽيڪنيڀياساً وڌ کان وڌ نفاست اختيار ڪري ويا آهن. ڌرتيءَ تي پوندڙ جديد انساني تهذيب جي وڌندڙ اثرات باعث ڌر مشاهدي جي اهميت تمام گھڻي وڌي وئي آهي. ڌر مشاهدا ڌرتيءَ تي پوندڙ منفي اثرات کي گھٽائڻ ۽ سماجي توڙي معاشي چڱ ڀلائيءَ جا موقعا فراهم ڪري ڏين ٿا.

ڌر مشاهدن ۾ هيٺيان اسم اچي وڃن ٿا:

• a birdwatcher’s notes on bird sightings
• numerical measurements taken by a thermometer, wind gauge, ocean buoy, altimeter or seismograph
• photos and radar or sonar images taken from ground or ocean-based instruments
• photos and radar images taken from remote-sensing satellites
• decision-support tools based on processed information, such as maps and models

Just as Earth observations consist of a wide variety of possible elements, they can be applied to a wide variety of possible uses. Some of the specific applications of Earth observations include:

• forecasting weather
• tracking biodiversity and wildlife trends
• measuring land-use change (such as deforestation)
• monitoring and responding to disasters, including fires, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis
• managing natural resources, such as energy, freshwater and agriculture
• addressing emerging diseases and other health risks
• predicting, adapting to and mitigating climate change

The quality and quantity of Earth observations continue to mount rapidly. In addition to the ongoing launch of new remote-sensing satellites, increasingly sophisticated in-situ instruments located on the ground, on balloons and airplanes, and in rivers, lakes and oceans, are generating increasingly comprehensive, near-real time observations.

پڻ ڏسندا سنواريو

ڌر مشاهداتي اِندرين جو هڪڙو مثال لينڊسيٽ منصوبي جون اِندريون آهن.