ماڊيول:Road data/strings/USA/NJ
Documentation for this module may be created at ماڊيول:Road data/strings/USA/NJ/doc
--New Jersey
local NJ = {}
NJ.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
link = {["87"] = "Interstate 87 (New York)",
default = {hook = "split",
split = 100,
above = "Interstate %route% (New Jersey)",
below = "Interstate %route% in New Jersey"}},
abbr = "I-%route%",
width = "expand"}
NJ["I-Toll"] = {shield = NJ.I.shield,
link = NJ.I.link,
abbr = NJ.I.abbr,
width = "expand",
banner = "Toll plate yellow.svg"}
NJ["I 1957"] = {shield = "I-%route% (NJ 1957).svg",
link = NJ.I.link,
abbr = NJ.I.abbr}
NJ.US = {shield = {["1/9"] = "US 1-9.svg",
["1-9"] = "US 1-9.svg",
default = "US %route%.svg"},
link = {["1/9"] = "U.S. Route 1/9",
["1-9"] = "U.S. Route 1/9",
default = "U.S. Route %route% in New Jersey"},
abbr = "US %route%",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US 1926"] = {shield = "US %route% (1926).svg",
link = NJ.US.link,
abbr = NJ.US.abbr,
width = "US1926"}
NJ["US 1948"] = {shield = "US %route% (1948).svg",
link = NJ.US.link,
abbr = NJ.US.abbr}
NJ["US 1961"] = {shield = "US %route% (1961).svg",
link = NJ.US.link,
abbr = NJ.US.abbr}
NJ["US-Bus"] = {shield = NJ.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Business ([dab||%dab%, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.US.abbr .." Bus.",
banner = "Business plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US-Byp"] = {shield = NJ.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Bypass ([dab||%dab%, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.US.abbr .." Byp.",
banner = "By-pass plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US-Alt"] = {shield = NJ.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate ([dab||%dab%, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.US.abbr .." Alt.",
banner = "Alt plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US-Truck"] = {shield = NJ.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Truck ([dab||%dab%, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.US.abbr .." Truck",
banner = "Truck plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US-Temp"] = {shield = NJ.US.shield,
link = "U.S. Route %route% Temporary ([dab||%dab%, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.US.abbr .." Temp",
banner = "Temp plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["US 1961-Truck"] = {shield = NJ["US 1961"].shield,
link = NJ["US-Truck"].link,
abbr = NJ["US-Truck"].abbr,
banner = "Truck plate.svg"}
NJ.SR = {shield = {hook = "between",
lower = 20,
upper = 100,
yes = "Elongated circle %route%.svg",
no = "Ellipse sign %route%.svg"},
link = "New Jersey Route %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "Route %route%",
width = "expand"}
NJ.Route = NJ.SR
NJ["SR-Bus"] = {shield = NJ.SR.shield,
link = "New Jersey Route %route% Business [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = NJ.SR.abbr .." Bus.",
banner = "Business plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["NJ-Bus"] = NJ["SR-Bus"]
NJ["SR-Alt"] = {shield = NJ.SR.shield,
link = "New Jersey Route %route% Alternate [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = NJ.SR.abbr .." Alt.",
banner = "Alt plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["NJ-Alt"] = NJ["SR-Alt"]
NJ["SR-Byp"] = {shield = NJ.SR.shield,
link = "New Jersey Route %route% Bypass [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = NJ.SR.abbr .." Byp.",
banner = "By-pass plate.svg",
width = "expand"}
NJ["NJ-Byp"] = NJ["SR-Byp"]
NJ["SR 1956"] = {shield = "NJ %route% (1956).svg",
link = "New Jersey Route %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = NJ.SR.abbr,
bannersuffix = "green"}
NJ["NJ 1956"] = NJ["SR 1956"]
NJ["SR 1926"] = {shield = "NJ %route% (1926).svg",
link = NJ.SR.link,
abbr = NJ.SR.abbr}
NJ["NJ 1926"] = NJ["SR 1926"]
NJ["NJ-old"] = NJ["SR 1926"]
NJ["SR-old"] = NJ["SR 1926"]
NJ["SRS 1926"] = {shield = "NJ S%route% (1926).svg", --workaround because the Route Snn routes throw an error
link = "New Jersey Route S%route% [dab||(%dab%)|]",
abbr = "Route S%route%"}
NJ["NJS 1926"] = NJ["SRS 1926"]
NJ.NJTP = {shield = "New Jersey Turnpike Shield.svg",
link = "New Jersey Turnpike",
abbr = "N.J. Turnpike",
bannersuffix = "green"}
NJ.NBEX = {shield = "New Jersey Turnpike Shield.svg",
link = "Interstate 78 in New Jersey",
abbr = "Newark Bay Extension",
bannersuffix = "green"}
NJ.PAEX = {shield = "New Jersey Turnpike Shield.svg",
link = "Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension",
abbr = "Pearl Harbor Extension",
bannersuffix = "green"}
NJ.GSP = {shield = "GSPkwy Shield.svg",
link = "Garden State Parkway",
abbr = "G.S. Parkway",
bannersuffix = "GSP"}
NJ.ACE = {shield = "Atlantic City Expressway.svg",
link = "Atlantic City Expressway",
abbr = "A.C. Expressway",
bannersuffix = "blue"}
NJ.ACBC = {shield = "Atlantic City Expy Connector.svg",
link = "Atlantic City–Brigantine Connector",
abbr = "A.C.–Brigantine Connector",
bannersuffix = "blue"}
NJ.PIP = {shield = "Palisades Interstate Pkwy.svg",
link = "Palisades Interstate Parkway",
abbr = "Palisades Parkway",
bannersuffix = "brown"}
NJ.OD = {shield = "Ocean Drive NJ.svg",
link = "Ocean Drive (New Jersey)",
abbr = "Ocean Drive"}
NJ.CR = {shield = "[county|Bergen|Bergen County %route% NJ.svg|CR %route% jct.svg]",
link = {hook = "between",
lower = 500,
upper = 600,
yes = "County Route %route% (New Jersey)",
no = "County Route %route% (%county% County, New Jersey)"},
abbr = "CR %route%"}
NJ["CR-Alt"] = {shield = NJ.CR.shield,
link = "County Route %route% Alternate ([county||%county% County, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.CR.abbr .." Alt.",
banner = "Alt plate county.svg",
bannersuffix = "county"}
NJ["CR-Byp"] = {shield = NJ.CR.shield,
link = "County Route %route% Bypass ([county||%county% County, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.CR.abbr .." Byp.",
banner = "By-pass plate county.svg",
bannersuffix = "county"}
NJ["CR-Spur"] = {shield = NJ.CR.shield,
link = "County Route %route% Spur ([county||%county% County, |]New Jersey)", --ifexist
abbr = NJ.CR.abbr .." Spur",
banner = "Spur plate county.svg",
bannersuffix = "county"}
NJ["CR-Truck"] = {shield = NJ.CR.shield,
link = "County Route %route% Truck ([county||%county% County, |]New Jersey)",
abbr = NJ.CR.abbr .." Truck",
banner = "Truck plate county.svg",
bannersuffix = "county"}
NJ.PA = {alias = {module = "USA/PA", type = "PA"}}
NJ.NY = {alias = {module = "USA/NY", type = "NY"}}
NJ.road = {alias = {module = "USA", type = "road"}}
return NJ