Documentation for this module may be created at ماڊيول:Find sources/config/doc

-- Configuration data for [[Module:Find sources]].

return {

-- Define the error message and category to be used if the module is used in
-- the main namespace and the template config doesn't set the
-- isUsedInMainspace key to true. The category is optional; if it is not
-- wanted, it can be removed.
['namespace-error'] = 'نقص: براءِ مهرباني هن سانچي کي مضمون طور استعمال نه ڪريو۔',
['namespace-error-category'] = 'زمرو:غلط_نيم_اسپيس_۾_سانچن_سان_صفحا',
-- The separator to be used if no separator is specified in the template
-- config.
['default-separator'] ='Dot-separator'):plain()
