ماڊيول:Country alias
Documentation for this module may be created at ماڊيول:Country alias/doc
-- This module returns the country name or the flag name for a country,
-- based on the three-letter IOC/CGA/FINA alias.
The following country code is used for multiple countries:
ANG (workaround: added ANG_CGF for use with Commonwealth Games)
The following names have different names/flags based on sport/year
Great Britain (and N.I.) GBR, GBR_WCA (latter added to add text in parens)
Hong Kong HKG, HKG_CGF (latter added to keep colonial flag)
Individual Olympic Athletes IOA, IOA_2000 (IOA changed to Independent Olympic Athletes in 2012)
Russian Athletes OAR (2018), ROC_2020 (2020)
SWZ Swaziland became Eswatini after the 2018 Commonwealth Games
MKD Macedonia became North Macedonia in 2019
ART No "Athlete" before Refugee Team @ 2017 AIMAG
The following countries have multiple aliases due to CGF/IOC/FINA/IAAF/etc differences, or deprecated uses
Anguilla AIA, ANG_CGF
Antigua and Barbuda ANT, ATG
Bahrain BHN, BHR, BRN
Curaçao CUR, CUW
East Timor TLS, TMP
Faroe Islands FAR, FRO
Guernsey GGY, GUE
Ireland IRE, IRL - IRE is *only* for CGF apps
Jersey JER, JEY
Lebanon LBN, LIB
Montserrat MNT, MSR
Nicaragua NCA, NIC
Norfolk Island NFI, NFK
Refugee Olympic Team ROA, ROT
Romania ROM, ROU
Saint Helena SHE, SHN
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines SVG, VIN
Sarawak SAR, SWK
Singapore SGP, SIN
South Africa RSA, SAF
Tonga TGA, TON
Trinidad and Tobago TRI, TTO
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA, TCI, TKS
Oddity that needs to be revisited
French Polynesia PYF, TAH - TAH has been converted to Tahiti per SILENCE
local function stripToNil(text)
-- If text is a string, return its trimmed content, or nil if empty.
-- Otherwise return text (which may, for example, be nil).
if type(text) == 'string' then
text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$')
return text
local function yes(parameter)
-- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes".
return ({ y = true, yes = true, on = true, [true] = true })[parameter]
local function getAlias(args)
-- Return alias parameter, possibly modified for exceptional cases.
local alias = stripToNil(args.alias)
local games = stripToNil(args.games)
local year = tonumber(args.year)
local fullName = stripToNil(args.fullName)
if fullName then
year = tonumber(fullName:match('^%d+')) -- ignore args.year
if alias == 'ANG' then
if games == 'Commonwealth Games' then
alias = 'ANG_CGF'
elseif alias == 'ART' then
if games == 'Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games' then
alias = 'ART_AIMAG'
elseif alias == 'GBR' then
if games == 'World Championships in Athletics' or games == 'European Athletics Championships' then
alias = 'GBR_WCA'
elseif games == 'European Championships' then
if year == 2018 then
alias = 'GBR_WCA'
elseif alias == 'HKG' then
if games == 'Commonwealth Games' then
alias = 'HKG_CGF'
elseif alias == 'IOA' then
if year == 2000 then
alias = 'IOA_2000'
elseif alias == 'MAL' then
if year and year > 1963 then
alias = 'MAS'
elseif alias == 'SWZ' then
if fullName then
if year and year >= 2018 and fullName ~= '2018 Commonwealth Games' then
alias = 'SWZ_YO2018'
elseif year and year >= 2018 and games ~= 'Commonwealth Games' then
alias = 'SWZ_YO2018'
elseif alias == 'MKD' then
if year and year >= 2019 then
alias = 'MKD_2019'
elseif alias == 'VNM' then
if year and year <= 1954 then
alias = 'VIE'
elseif alias == 'ROC' or alias == 'RUS' then
if year and year==2020 and games=='Summer Olympics' then
alias = 'ROC_2020'
return alias
local function getFlag(args, country)
-- Return name of flag selected from country data (nil if none defined).
local year = tonumber(args.year)
local games = stripToNil(args.games)
if games then
local gdata = country[games]
if gdata then
if type(gdata) == 'string' then
return gdata
if gdata[year] then
return gdata[year]
for _, item in ipairs(country) do
if type(item) == 'string' then
return item
if year and year <= item[1] then
return item[2]
local data = mw.loadData('Module:Country alias/data')
local function countryAlias(args)
local alias = getAlias(args)
local country = data.countries[alias] or data.countries[data.countryAliases[alias]]
local function quit(message)
return args.error or error(message)
if not country then
return quit('Invalid country alias: ' .. tostring(alias))
if yes(args.flag) then
return getFlag(args, country) or quit('No flag defined for ' .. alias)
return country.name or quit('No name defined for ' .. alias)
local function flagIOC(frame)
-- Implement {{flagIOC}} which previously called this module three times.
-- Returns <flag> <country link> <athletes>, with the third value optional
local args = frame:getParent().args
local code = stripToNil(args[1]) or error('flagIOC parameter 1 should be a country code')
local games = stripToNil(args[2])
local athletes = stripToNil(args[3])
games = games and (games .. ' Olympics') or 'Olympics'
local parms = {
alias = code,
fullName = games,
year = games:match('^%d+'),
games = games:gsub('^%d+ ?', ''),
local fullName = countryAlias(parms)
parms.flag = true
return (('[[File:{flag}|22x20px|border|alt=|link=]] [[{name} at the {games}|{name}]]{athletes}')
:gsub('{(%w+)}', {
athletes = athletes and
(' <span style="font-size:90%;">(' .. athletes .. ')</span>') or
flag = countryAlias(parms),
games = games,
name = fullName,
local function flagXYZ(frame)
-- Implement {{flagIOC2}} and its variants which previously called this module three times.
-- Returns one of four possible outputs:
-- from flagIOC2: <flag> <country link> <athletes>, with the third value optional
-- from flagIOC2team: <flag> <country link> <country alias>
-- from flagIOC2athlete: <flag> <athlete(s)> <country alias/link>
-- from flagIOC2medalist: <athlete(s)><br><flag> <country link>
local args = frame:getParent().args
local dispType = stripToNil(frame.args['type'])
local code=''
local games=''
local athletes=''
if dispType == 'name' or dispType == 'team' then
code = stripToNil(args[1]) or error('Parameter 1 should be a country code')
games = stripToNil(args[2]) or error('Parameter 2 should be a competition name')
athletes = stripToNil(args[3])
elseif dispType == 'athlete' or dispType == 'medalist' then
athletes = stripToNil(args[1]) or error('Parameter 1 should be the name(s) of the athlete(s)')
code = stripToNil(args[2]) or error('Parameter 2 should be a country code')
games = stripToNil(args[3]) or error('Parameter 3 should be a competition name')
local dispName = stripToNil(args.name)
local parms = {
alias = code,
fullName = games,
year = games:match('^%d+'),
games = games:gsub('^%d+ ?', ''),
local fullName = countryAlias(parms)
parms.flag = true
if dispType == 'name' then
return (('[[File:{flag}|22x20px|border|alt=|link=]] [[{name} at the {games}|{dispName}]]{athletes}')
:gsub('{(%w+)}', {
athletes = athletes and
(' <span style="font-size:90%;">(' .. athletes .. ')</span>') or
flag = countryAlias(parms),
games = games,
name = fullName,
dispName = dispName or fullName,
elseif dispType == 'team' then
return (('[[File:{flag}|22x20px|border|alt=|link=]] [[{name} at the {games}|{dispName}]]{alias}')
:gsub('{(%w+)}', {
alias = (' <span style="font-size:90%;">(' .. code .. ')</span>'),
flag = countryAlias(parms),
games = games,
name = fullName,
dispName = dispName or fullName,
elseif dispType == 'athlete' then
return (('[[File:{flag}|22x20px|border|alt=|link=]] {athletes} <span style="font-size:90%;">([[{name} at the {games}|{dispName}]])</span>')
:gsub('{(%w+)}', {
athletes = athletes,
flag = countryAlias(parms),
games = games,
name = fullName,
dispName = code,
elseif dispType == 'medalist' then
return (('{athletes}<br>[[File:{flag}|23x15px|border|alt=|link=]] [[{name} at the {games}|{dispName}]]')
:gsub('{(%w+)}', {
athletes = athletes,
flag = countryAlias(parms),
games = games,
name = fullName,
dispName = dispName or fullName,
local function main(frame)
return countryAlias(frame.args)
return {
flagIOC = flagIOC,
flagXYZ = flagXYZ,
main = main,