زمرو:وڌيڪ نقطہ نظر گهربل مضمون

انگريزي ٻولي: Category:Articles needing more viewpoints

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تازو ڪريو

Please add articles to this category by using {{Too few opinions}} or {{Unbalanced}} or {{Religious text primary}}.

If you do "flag" these articles with that template -- which promises discussion on the talk page -- follow through and actually discuss your opinion on that talk page. سانچو:Filter deep category by topic

See also سنواريو

"وڌيڪ نقطہ نظر گهربل مضمون" زمري جا صفحا

هي زمرو رڳو هيٺيون صفحو رکي ٿو.