ڪشور ڪمار: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سِٽَ 67:
{{مبسس4}}سندس پُٽُ [[اَمِيت ڪُمار]] پڻ ان ئي سطح جو گائڪ بڻيو، البت پنهنجي پيءَ جيتري ڪاميابي نه ماڻيائين. ڪشور جو ٻيو پُٽُ [[سُمِيت ڪُمار]] پڻ ڳائيندو رهيو آهي.</font>
She hails from a distinguished Brahmo Bengali family. Her father was Satyen Ghosh (known as Montey Ghosh), her mother Sati Devi, a talented singer. Sati Devi's younger sister Bijoya is married to legendary film director Satyajit Ray. Ruma had her formal education in many places including Santineketan for a brief period. She was also one of the earliest child students of Uday Shankar Cultural Centre in Almora in its formative years where her mother had been a music teacher. Sati Devi accompanied Uday Shankar to Europe in the 40's.
==فلم نِگارِي==