ڪشور ڪمار: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سِٽَ 15:
==ڪشور سُڃاتو وڃڻ لڳو==
{{مبسس4}}ڪشور ڪڏهن به اداڪاري ڪرڻ نه ٿي چاهيو، پر هُو پنهنجي وڌيوڏي ڀاءُ اشوڪ ڪمار کان ايترو ته ڊڄندو هو جو کيس ناراض ڪري نه ٿي سگھيو. اشوڪ ڪمار کيس بالِي ووڊ جو مقبول هِيرو ڏسڻ ٿي گھريو. شروعاتِي فلمون ناڪام ٿيڻ بعد، ڪشور ڪمار فصيلو ڪيو ته ايندڙ فِلمُن ۾ هُو ايتروايتري ته ڪِنِي اداڪاري ڪندو جو اڳتي ڪو به پروڊيوسر کيس پنهنجي فلمَ ۾ ڪم ڪرڻ لاءِ نه چوندو.
Kishore never wanted to act, but he was too afraid to rebel against his elder brother Ashok Kumar, who was hell-bent on making him a popular Bollywood hero. After his initial films flopped, Kishore decided that he would act so badly in the forthcoming movie that no producer would ever again ask him to act in a movie. As a result of this decision, Kishore started acting in a strange, funny way. But instead of rejecting him, movie buffs were delighted to see a hero who could make them laugh. His style was a welcome change from the sober, romantic and tragic traditional heroes of Bollywood. Thus, Kishore became comedy-film producers' first choice. In the late 1950s, he used to run from one studio to another, recording songs, acting, composing music and sometimes even writing lyrics! He even produced and directed some movies.