روس: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 127:
ماسڪو جي گرينڊ ڊيوڪ ايوان چوٿين بيخوف روسي زارشاھي نالي بادشاھت جو بنياد وجھي 1547ع ۾ پھريون روسي بادشاھ يا زار جي حيثيت سان تخت تي ويٺو ۽ ھن 1550ع ۾ قانونن جو نئون مجموعو [[سديبنڪ 1550|سديبنڪ]] نافذ ڪيو جنھن ذريعي ھن جاگيردارنہ نمائندگي جو پھريون ادارو [[زيمسڪي سابور]] قائم ڪري مذھبي پيشوائن جي مقامي اثر رسوخ کي گھٽائي ختم ڪري ڇڏيو<ref name="Terrible">{{cite book|last1=Payne|first1=Robert|last2=Romanoff|first2=Nikita|title=Ivan the Terrible|date=2002|pages=520|isbn=978-0-8154-1229-8}}</ref>. ان پھرين زار ٽي تاتار خانيٽن: ڏکڻ اولھ سائبيريا واري [[سائبيريائي خانيٽ]]، [[قازان خانيٽ]] ۽ [[آستراخان خانيٽ]] [[وولگا]] سميت کي شامل ڪري روس جي پکيڙ ۾ ٻيڻ تي اضافو ڪيو<ref name="Terrible"/> سورھين صدي عيسويءَ ۾ روس يورال جبلن جي اوڀر تائين وسعت ماڻي<ref name="Sibir">{{cite book|last=Wood|first=Alan|title=Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far East 1581 - 1991|date=2011|pages=320|isbn=978-0-340-97124-6}}</ref>. ان طاقتور زارشاھي کي [[پولينڊ]]، [[لٿوانيا]]، [[سويڊن]]، [[ڊينمارڪ]] ۽ [[ناروي]] جي اتحاد سان
[[بالٽڪ سمنڊ]] ۽ سامونڊي واپار لاء پھچ حاصل ڪرڻ جي ھڪ ڊگھي ۽ غير فيصلاڪن [[ليوونيائي جنگ]] ڪمزور ڪري ڇڏيو<ref name="Riasanovsky">{{cite book|last1=Riasanovsky|first1=Nicholas V.|last2=Lawrence|first2=John|title=A history of Russia|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=bHdPAgAAQBAJ|date=1960|pages=654|isbn=978-0-19-534197-3}}</ref> ساڳي وقت [[ڪرائميائي خانيٽ]] جي تاتارين پڻ ڏکڻ پاسي کان روس تي حملا جاري رکيا<ref>{{cite web|first=Eizo|last=Matsuki|url=http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110501041101/http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf|archive-date=1 May 2011|title=The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves|publisher=Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University|access-date=4 May 2013}}</ref> وولگا واريون خانيٽون بحال ڪرائڻ خاطر ڪرائميائي خانيٽ ۽ ان جي اتحادي عثماني خلافت 1571ع ۾ وچ روس تي حملو ڪري ماسڪو جي ديوارن تائين پھچي چڪا ھيا<ref name="Terrible"/> پر ايندڙ ٻئين سال حملي آور وڏي فوج کي [[مولودي واري جنگ]] ۾ شڪست ملي<ref>{{cite book|date=2009|last=Tucker|first=Spencer C.|title=A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East|isbn=978-1-85109-672-5}}</ref> <ref>{{cite web|last=Williams|first=Brian Glyn|title=The Sultan's Raiders: The Military Role of the Crimean Tatars in the Ottoman Empire|url=http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf|website=[[The Jamestown Foundation]]|year=2013|page=27|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131021092115/http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf|archive-date=21 October 2013|author-link=Brian Glyn Williams}}</ref>.
[[File:Peter I by Kneller.jpg|thumb|upright|روسي زار (1682-1721) ۽ پھريون روسي شھنشاھ (1721-1725) [[پيٽر اعظم]]]]
1682 ۾ پيٽر اعظم روس جو زار يا بادشاھ ٿيو ۽ 1721ع ۾ ھن پنھنجي شھنشاھ ھجڻ جو اعلان ڪيو. ھن روس کي يورپ جي ھڪ وڏي طاقتور رياست بڻايو. ھن 1700 کان 1721 تائين ھلندڙ اتر واري وڏي جنگ ذريعي سويڊن جي بادشاھت کي شڪست ڏئي
forcing it to cede West [[Karelia]] and [[Ingria]] (two regions lost by Russia in the [[Time of Troubles]]), as well as the [[Governorate of Estonia]] and [[Livonia]], securing Russia's access to the sea and sea trade. In 1703, on the Baltic Sea, Peter founded [[Saint Petersburg]] as Russia's new capital. Throughout his rule, [[Government reform of Peter the Great|sweeping reforms were made]], which brought significant Western European cultural influences to Russia.<ref name="early">{{cite web|last=Curtis|first=Glenn E.|url=http://countrystudies.us/russia/4.htm|title=Russia - Early Imperial Russia|year=1998|location=[[Washington, D.C.]]|publisher=Federal Research Division of the [[Library of Congress]]|access-date=25 June 2021}}</ref>
The reign of Peter&nbsp;I's daughter [[Elizabeth of Russia|Elizabeth]] in 1741–62 saw Russia's participation in the [[Seven Years' War]] (1756–63). During this conflict, Russia annexed [[East Prussia]] and even reached the gates of [[Berlin]]. However, upon Elizabeth's death, all these conquests were returned to the [[Kingdom of Prussia]] by pro-Prussian [[Peter&nbsp;III of Russia]].<ref name="early"/>
[[Catherine the Great|Catherine&nbsp;II]] ("the Great"), who ruled in 1762–96, presided over the Age of [[Russian Enlightenment]]. She extended Russian political control over the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and incorporated most of its territories into Russia during the [[Partitions of Poland]], pushing the Russian frontier westward into Central Europe, and thus making Russia the most populous country in Europe. In the south, after the successful [[Russo-Turkish Wars]] against the [[Ottoman Empire]], Catherine advanced Russia's boundary to the Black Sea, defeating the [[Crimean Khanate]]. As a result of victories over [[Qajar dynasty|Qajar Iran]] through the [[Russo-Persian Wars]], by the first half of the 19th century, Russia also made significant territorial gains in [[Transcaucasia]] and the [[North Caucasus]].<ref name="early"/> Catherine's successor, her son [[Paul I of Russia|Paul]], was [[Personality and reputation of Paul I of Russia|unstable and focused predominantly on domestic issues]]. Following his short reign, Catherine's strategy was continued with [[Alexander I of Russia|Alexander&nbsp;I's]] (1801–25) [[Finnish War|wresting of]] [[Finland]] from the weakened Sweden in 1809, and of [[Bessarabia]] from the Ottomans in 1812. While in North America, the Russians became the first Europeans to [[Russian America|reach and colonise Alaska]].<ref name="ruling">{{cite web|url=http://countrystudies.us/russia/5.htm|title=Russia - Ruling the Empire|editor=Glenn E. Curtis|year=1998|location=[[Washington, D.C.]]|publisher=Federal Research Division of the [[Library of Congress]]|access-date=25 June 2021}}</ref>
[[File:Territorial Expansion of Russia.svg|thumb|left|Russian [[Expansion of Russia (1500–1800)|expansion]] and [[Territorial evolution of Russia|territorial evolution]] between the 14th and 20th centuries.<ref>{{cite book|last=Chew|first=Allen F.|title=An Atlas of Russian History: Eleven Centuries of Changing Borders|date=2009|publisher=[[Yale University Press]]|isbn=978-0-300-01445-7}}</ref>]]
In 1803–1806, the [[first Russian circumnavigation]] was made, later followed by other notable Russian sea exploration voyages.<ref>{{cite journal|last=McCartan|first=E.F.|title=The Long Voyages-Early Russian Circumnavigation|journal=[[The Russian Review]]|volume=22|number=1|date=1963|pages=30–37|doi=10.2307/126593|jstor=126593}}</ref> In 1820, [[Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen#First Russian Antarctic expedition|a Russian expedition]] disc
== سياسي ورهاست ==