روس: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 125:
[[File:Vasnetsov Ioann 4.jpg|thumb|upright=0.7|right|بيخوف لقب وارو [[ايوان چوٿون]] جي پينٽنگ ]]
ماسڪو جي گرينڊ ڊيوڪ ايوان چوٿين بيخوف روسي زارشاھي نالي بادشاھت جو بنياد وجھي 1547ع ۾ پھريون روسي بادشاھ يا زار جي حيثيت سان تخت تي ويٺو ۽ ھن 1550ع ۾ قانونن جو نئون مجموعو [[سديبنڪ 1550|سديبنڪ]] نافذ ڪيو جنھن ذريعي ھن جاگيردارنہ نمائندگي جو پھريون ادارو [[زيمسڪي سابور]] قائم ڪري مذھبي پيشوائن جي مقامي اثر رسوخ کي گھٽائي ختم ڪري ڇڏيو<ref name="Terrible">{{cite book|last1=Payne|first1=Robert|last2=Romanoff|first2=Nikita|title=Ivan the Terrible|date=2002|pages=520|isbn=978-0-8154-1229-8}}</ref>. ان پھرين زار ٽي تاتار خانيٽن: ڏکڻ اولھ سائبيريا واري [[سائبيريائي خانيٽ]]، [[قازان خانيٽ]] ۽ [[آستراخان خانيٽ]] [[وولگا]] سميت کي شامل ڪري روس جي پکيڙ ۾ ٻيڻ تي اضافو ڪيو<ref name="Terrible"/> سورھين صدي عيسويءَ ۾ روس يورال جبلن جي اوڀر تائين وسعت ماڻي<ref name="Sibir">{{cite book|last=Wood|first=Alan|title=Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far East 1581 - 1991|date=2011|pages=320|isbn=978-0-340-97124-6}}</ref>
ماسڪو جي گرينڊ ڊيوڪ ايوان چوٿين بيخوف روسي زارشاھي نالي بادشاھت جو بنياد وجھي 1547ع ۾ ۽ ھن 1550ع ۾ قانون جو نئون مجموعو نافذ ڪيو پھريون زار ٿيو.
The ''Tsar'' [[Promulgation|promulgated]] a new code of laws ([[Sudebnik of 1550]]), established the first Russian feudal representative body ([[Zemsky Sobor]]), curbed the influence of the clergy, and introduced local self-management in rural regions.<ref name="Terrible">{{cite book|last1=Payne|first1=Robert|last2=Romanoff|first2=Nikita|title=Ivan the Terrible|date=2002|pages=520|isbn=978-0-8154-1229-8}}</ref>
During his long reign, Ivan the Terrible nearly doubled the already large Russian territory by annexing the three Tatar khanates (parts of the disintegrated Golden Horde): [[Khanate of Kazan|Kazan]] and [[Astrakhan Khanate|Astrakhan]] along the [[Volga]], and the [[Siberian Khanate]] in southwestern Siberia.<ref name="Terrible"/> Thus, by the end of the 16th century, Russia expanded east of the [[Ural Mountains]], thus east of Europe, and into Asia, being transformed into a [[List of transcontinental countries|transcontinental state]].<ref name="Sibir">{{cite book|last=Wood|first=Alan|title=Russia's Frozen Frontier: A History of Siberia and the Russian Far East 1581 - 1991|date=2011|pages=320|isbn=978-0-340-97124-6}}</ref>
However, the Tsardom was weakened by the long and unsuccessful [[Livonian War]] against the coalition of Poland, [[Lithuania]], [[Sweden]], [[Denmark]], and [[Norway]] for access to the Baltic coast and sea trade.<ref name="Riasanovsky">{{cite book|last1=Riasanovsky|first1=Nicholas V.|last2=Lawrence|first2=John|title=A history of Russia|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=bHdPAgAAQBAJ|date=1960|pages=654|isbn=978-0-19-534197-3}}</ref> At the same time, the Tatars of the [[Crimean Khanate]], the only remaining successor to the Golden Horde, continued to raid southern Russia.<ref>{{cite web|first=Eizo|last=Matsuki|url=http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110501041101/http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf|archive-date=1 May 2011|title=The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves|publisher=Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University|access-date=4 May 2013}}</ref> In an effort to restore the Volga khanates, Crimeans and their [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] allies [[Russo-Crimean Wars|invaded central Russia]] and were even able to [[Fire of Moscow (1571)|burn down parts of Moscow]] in 1571.<ref name="Terrible"/> But in the next year the large invading army was thoroughly defeated by the Russians in the [[Battle of Molodi]], forever eliminating the threat of an Ottoman–Crimean expansion into Russia.<ref>{{cite book|date=2009|last=Tucker|first=Spencer C.|title=A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East|isbn=978-1-85109-672-5}}</ref> The [[Crimean-Nogai raids into East Slavic lands|slave raids of Crimeans]], however, did not cease until the late 17th century though the construction of new fortification lines across Southern Russia, such as the [[Great Abatis Line]], constantly narrowed the area accessible to incursions.<ref>{{cite web|last=Williams|first=Brian Glyn|title=The Sultan's Raiders: The Military Role of the Crimean Tatars in the Ottoman Empire|url=http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf|website=[[The Jamestown Foundation]]|year=2013|page=27|url-status=dead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131021092115/http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf|archive-date=21 October 2013|author-link=Brian Glyn Williams}}</ref>