ننگشيا: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 119:
'''ننگشيا'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= ''' Ningxia '''}} جنھن جو سرڪاري نالو '''ننگشيا جي خودمختيار ريجن''' {{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region '''}} آھي [[چين |عوامي جمهوريه چين]] جي اتراولھ خطي ۾ واقع ھڪ خودمختيار غيرساحلي ريجن جو نالو آهي. شروع م ننگشيا چين جو ھڪ صوبو ھيو جيڪو بعد ۾ 1954ع ۾ [[گينسو صوبو|گينسو]] صوبي ۾ ضم ڪيو ويو. 1958ع ۾ ان کي ٻيھر الڳ ڪري ھئي ماڻھو ھئي نسل جي ماڻهن جي ھڪ خودمختيار ريجن جو درجو ڏنو ويو. ھئي نسل چين جي سرڪاري طور تي تسليم ڪيل 56 نسلي گروهن مان ھڪ آھي. چين ۾ ان نسل جي ويھ سيڪڙو آبادي ننگشيا ۾ رھندڙ آھي<ref>{{cite news|title=By choosing assimilation, China's Hui have become one of the world's most successful Muslim minorities|url=https://www.economist.com/news/china/21708274-choosing-assimilation-chinas-hui-have-become-one-worlds-most-successful-muslim|access-date=8 October 2016|work=[[The Economist]]|date=8 October 2016}}</ref>.
Formerly a [[Provinces of China|province]], Ningxia was incorporated into [[Gansu]] in 1954 but was separated from Gansu in 1958 and was reconstituted as an autonomous region for the [[Hui people]], one of the 56 officially recognised [[List of ethnic groups in China|nationalities of China]]. Twenty percent of China's Hui population lives in Ningxia.<ref>{{cite news|title=By choosing assimilation, China's Hui have become one of the world's most successful Muslim minorities|url=https://www.economist.com/news/china/21708274-choosing-assimilation-chinas-hui-have-become-one-worlds-most-successful-muslim|access-date=8 October 2016|work=[[The Economist]]|date=8 October 2016}}</ref>
Ningxia is bounded by [[Shaanxi]] to the east, Gansu to the south and west and [[Inner Mongolia|Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region]] to the north and has an area of around {{convert|66400|km2}}.<ref name=area/> This sparsely settled, mostly desert region lies partially on the [[Loess Plateau]] and in the vast plain of the [[Yellow River]] and features the [[Great Wall of China]] along its northeastern boundary. Over about 2000 years an extensive system of [[canal]]s (The total length about 1397 kilometers<ref>{{cite news|title=宁夏回族自治区资源概况|url=http://www.china.com.cn/aboutchina/zhuanti/09dfgl/2009-12/17/content_19081129_3.htm|access-date=2 October 2018|work=[[The Economist]]|date=2 October 2018}}</ref>) has been built from [[Qin dynasty]]. Extensive [[land reclamation]] and [[irrigation]] projects have made increased cultivation possible.