نازو ڌاريجو: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

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دي ايڪسپريس ٽريبون ڳنڍڻن کي شامل/بهتر ڪيو
ٽيگ: 2017ع ذريعو سنوار
سِٽَ 15:
| notable_works =
'''وڏيري نازو ڌاريجو''' جو پيء حاجي خدا بخش خان، هڪ زميندار خاندان جي زميندار هو، جيڪو [[پاڪستان]] جي [[سنڌ]] صوبي ۾ زرعي زمين جو مالڪ هو. وڏيري [[نازو ڌاريجو]] سندس ٻئين زال وڏيري جامزادي مان سندس سڀ کان وڏي ڌيءَ آهي. هوء [[قاضي احمد]] ۾ هڪ حويلي ۾ پيدا ٿي.<ref name="ExTrib">{{Cite web|url=https://tribune.com.pk/story/393667/meet-nazo-dharejo-the-toughest-woman-in-sindh/|title=Meet Nazo Dharejo: The toughest woman in Sindh|last=Imtiaz|first=Saba|date=17 June 2012|work=[[Theدي Expressايڪسپريس Tribuneٽريبون]]|accessdate=16 January 2019|quote=He dressed the girls in men’s clothing and gave them male names — Nazo’s was Mukhtiar — and taught them how to use the guns he owned.}}</ref><ref name="intervw">{{Cite web|url=http://www.rightsnowpk.org/home/naz.php|title=Ms Mukhtar Naz Dharejo Interview|date=2011|publisher=Rights Now Pakistan|accessdate=17 January 2019|quote=She is considered a local legend due to her bold stance on dealing with her ongoing battle to protect her land from people who are attempting to grab her agricultural land; She is always armed with a single Kalashnikov for her safety, whenever she makes rounds on her land. In the two decades she is looking after her land whilst supervising her workforce, making sure that land is productive and profitable. She is also taking part in politics and supports PML-N. Her long term goal is to become the Chief Minister of Sindh.}}</ref> سنڌي اردو انگريزي سکڻ لاءِ استاد رکيو ويو [[سنڌ يونيورسٽي]] مان اڪنامڪس ڪيائين. هن پنهنجي  مرد رشتيدارن جي خلاف پنهنجي زرعي زمين جو دفاع ڪيو، کيس "پاڪستان جي مضبوط (چيڙهالو ناري)" جو سڏيو ويو ۽ 2017 جي فلم [[ماءِ پيور لينڊ]] پڻ سندس زندگي کان مُتاثر ٿي ٺاهي وئي هُئي.
==بابت ڄاڻ==