جوائنٽ اسٽاڪ ڪمپني: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

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م خودڪار: غير موجود <references /> ٽيگ جو اضافو
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سِٽَ 1:
[[Fileفائل:Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie spiegelretourschip Amsterdam replica.jpg|200px|right|thumb|[[ڊچ ايسٽ انڊيا ڪمپني]] جي پاڻي جي جھاز جو ٺاھيل نقل.ڪمپني جھازن جو نالو [[ايسٽ انڊيا مين]]رکيو ھو.نيدرلينڊز جي ھيء ڪمپني1602 ۾ ٺھي ۽ دنيا جي پھرين منظم ۽ جديد جوائنٽ اسٽاڪ ڪمپني ھئي <ref>Morck, Randall; Yeung, Bernard: ''Agency Problems and the Fate of Capitalism''. (Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 16490, Issued in October 2010)</ref><ref>Funnell, Warwick; Robertson, Jeffrey: ''Accounting by the First Public Company: The Pursuit of Supremacy''. (Routledge, 2013, {{ISBN|0415716179}})</ref><ref>Steensgaard, Niels (1982), 'The Dutch East India Company as an Institutional Innovation,'; in Maurice Aymard (ed.), ''Dutch Capitalism and World Capitalism / Capitalisme hollandais et capitalisme mondial'' (Studies in Modern Capitalism / Etudes sur le capitalisme moderne), pp.&nbsp;235–257</ref><ref>Hawley, James P.; Williams, Andrew T.: ''The Rise of Fiduciary Capitalism: How Institutional Investors Can Make Corporate America More Democratic''. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000, {{ISBN|9780812235630}}), p. 44</ref><ref>[[Niall Ferguson|Ferguson, Niall]] (2002). ''Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power'', p. 15.</ref><ref>Smith, B. Mark (2003). ''A History of the Global Stock Market: From Ancient Rome to Silicon Valley''. (University of Chicago Press, {{ISBN|9780226764047}}), p. 17</ref><ref>Von Nordenflycht, Andrew (2011), 'The Great Expropriation: Interpreting the Innovation of “Permanent Capital” at the Dutch East India Company,'; in ''Origins of Shareholder Advocacy'', edited by Jonathan G.S. Koppell. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp.&nbsp;89–98</ref><ref>Clarke, Thomas; Branson, Douglas (2012). ''The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance (Sage Handbooks)''. (SAGE Publications Ltd., {{ISBN|9781412929806}}), p. 431</ref><ref>Vasu, Rajkamal (November 19, 2017). [http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/vasu/A%20Theory%20of%20Permanent%20Capital.pdf?cb=72bd1880 The Transition to Locked-In Capital in the First Corporations: Venture Capital Financing in Early Modern Europe]. ([[Kellogg School of Management]], [[Northwestern University]])</ref> ]]
'''مشترڪ سرمائي واري ڪمپني''' يا '''جوائنٽ اسٽاڪ ڪمپني''' ({{lang-en|Joint-stock Company}})، ھڪ اھڙي ڪاروباري ھستي يا وجود ({{lang-en|Entity}}) جو نالو آهي، جنھن ۾ ڪمپني جي سرمايي يا موڙي ({{lang-en|Stock}}) جي حصيدار خريد ۽ فروخت ڪري سگھن ٿا. ان ڪمپني جو ھر حصيدار ڪمپني جي سرمايي يا اسٽاڪ جو جزوي مالڪ ھوندو آھي ۽ انجي ان حصي جو مالڪي وارو سرٽيفڪيٽ پڻ جاري ٿيندو آهي، سرمائي جي سيڙپ جي عيوض ان سرٽيفڪيٽ آف انڪارپوريشن ذريعي اھو ڪمپني ۾ شامل ٿي ويندو آهي <ref>{{cite book |title=The Law of Private Companies |edition=2nd |first1=Thomas B. |last1=Courtney |isbn=1-85475-265-0 |page=26}}</ref> حصيدار پنھنجي ان حصي کي ڪنھن ٻئي کي وڪڻي منتقل ڪري سگھندو آھي ۽ ان منتقلي سان ڪمپني تي ڪوبہ اثر نہ پوندو آھي.<ref>{{cite web|title=Joint Stock Company|url=http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Joint+Stock+Company|work=West's Encyclopedia of American Law|accessdate=4 May 2012}}</ref>