باميان: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 113:
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'''Bamyan''' ({{IPAc-en|ˌ|b|æ|m|i|ˈ|ɑː|n|,_|ˌ|b|ɑː|-}};<ref>{{Cite Oxford Dictionaries|Bamian}}</ref><ref>{{Cite Merriam-Webster|Bamian}}</ref> {{lang-prs|بامیان}}) also spelled '''Bamiyan'''<ref>e.g. [http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/208 Unesco] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070128162824/http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/208|date=January 28, 2007}}, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7508917.stm BBC]</ref> or '''Bamian'''<ref>{{cite web|url=http://memory.loc.gov/frd/cs/aftoc.html|title=About this Collection|work=The Library of Congress|accessdate=26 April 2016}}</ref> is the capital of [[Bamyan Province]] in central [[Afghanistan]]. With an altitude of about 2,550 m and a population of about 100,000, Bamyan is the largest town in the central Afghanistan region of [[Hazarajat]], and lies approximately 240 kilometres north-west of [[Kabul]], the national capital. Many statues of Buddha are carved into the sides of cliffs facing Bamyan city. In 2008, Bamyan was found to be the home of the world's oldest oil paintings.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/02/photogalleries/Bamian-pictures/|title=Oldest Oil Paintings Found in Caves|publisher=|accessdate=26 April 2016}}</ref>
The city of Bamyan has a population of 100,000 (in 2014).<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report2015|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151031111515/http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|archivedate=2015-10-31|url-status=dead|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref> It has four districts and a total land area of 3,539 hectares.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015_volume2/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report 2015|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref> The total number of dwellings in this city are 4,435.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015_volume2/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report2015|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref>
The Bamiyan valley marked the most westerly point of Buddhist expansion and was a crucial hub of trade for much of the second millennium CE. It was a place where East met West and its archaeology reveals a blend of Greek, Turkic, Persian, Chinese and Indian influence. The valley is one of Afghanistan's most touristic places.<ref>http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/roads/2014/09/bamiyan_can_a_small_afghan_mountain_town_best_known_for_its_blown_up_buddhas.html</ref>
Bamyan City joined the [[Creative Cities Network|UNESCO Creative Cities Network]] as a Crafts and Folk Art city in 2017.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://unesconatcom.af/2018/03/24/the-historic-city-of-bamiyan-has-joined-the-unesco-creative-cities-network/|title=The Historic City of Bamiyan has joined the UNESCO Global Networ
'''باميان''' {{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''Bamyan '''}} افغانستان جو ھڪ شھر آھي جيڪو صوبي [[باميان صوبو|باميان]] جو گاديءَ جو هنڌ آهي. اھو وچ افغانستان جي ھزارہ جات خطي جو سڀ کان وڏو شھر آھي ۽ ڪابل کان اتر اولهه طرف 240 ڪلوميٽرن جي فاصلي تي واقع آھي. ھن شھر لڳ ٻڌ جا وڏا بت پھاڙن کي ٽڪي ٺاھيل آهن.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/02/photogalleries/Bamian-pictures/|title=Oldest Oil Paintings Found in Caves|publisher=|accessdate=26 April 2016}}</ref> 2014 ۾ ھن شھر جي آبادي ھڪ لک جي لڳ ڀڳ ھئي.<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report2015|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151031111515/http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|archivedate=2015-10-31|url-
The city of Bamyan has a population of 100,000 (in 2014).<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report2015|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151031111515/http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015/|archivedate=2015-10-31|url-status=dead|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref> It has four districts and a total land area of 3,539 hectares.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015_volume2/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report 2015|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref> Theشھر total number of۾ dwellingsتقريبن in4435 thisگھر cityواقع areآھن 4,435.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://unhabitat.org/books/soac2015_volume2/|title=The State of Afghan Cities report2015|ref=UN-Habitat}}</ref>
باميان (Bamyan ) [[افغانستان]] جي شهر ڪابل جي -اتر- الهندي طرف 80 ميلن جي فاصلي تي هندوڪش جبلن جي وچ ۾ -برف- سان ڍڪيل ”ڪوهه بابا“ جي هنج ۾ واقع ”باميان وادي“ هڪ پهاڙي ماٿري آهي، -جتي- -پٿر- جي دور جا آثار ۽ انساني -تهذيب-، تمدن ۽ رهڻي ڪهڻيءَ جا ماڳ مڪان ۽ گوتم -ٻڌ- جا عظيم الشان -بت- موجود آهن. ماضيءَ ۾ هيءَ ماٿري تاريخي شاهراهه ريشم کي وچ -ايشيا- سان ملائڻ جو واحد رستو رهي آهي. قديم دور کان هي تاريخي ماڳ پنهنجي فطري حسن ۽ -تهذيب- جو مرڪز آهي ۽ دنيا جي سياحن ۽ -تحقيق- ڪندڙن لاءِ وڏي ڇڪ رکي ٿو. باميان ماٿريءَ ۾ داخل ٿيڻ لاءِ ٻه ڪشادا لَڪَ ”درهَ فولادي“ ۽ درهء ڪڪرڪ“ استعمال ڪرڻا پون ٿا. جڏهن ته چوڌاري وڏا پهاڙ ۽ اوکا لڪ، ڦاٽ ۽ اونهيون کاهيون آهن.