تھران: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار وڌيل موبائل سنوار
سِٽَ 94:
تاريخ جي پراڻي رڪارڊ مطابق ھن شھر واري علائقي تي سڀ کان اول [[ميڊيا (علائقو)|ميڊيا]] وارن قبضو ڪيو ۽ ھي شھر اڏجڻ بعد [[ميڊيا (علائقو)|ميڊيا]] جو اھم شھر بڻجي ويو.<ref>{{Cite book |author=Erdösy, George. |title=The Indo-Aryans of ancient South Asia: Language, material culture and ethnicity |publisher=Walter de Gruyter |date=1995 |page=165 |quote=Possible western place names are the following: Raya-, which is also the ancient name of Median Raga in the Achaemenid inscriptions (Darius, Bisotun 2.13: ''a land in Media called Raga'') and modern Rey south of Tehran}}</ref> ھن شھر کي بعد ۾ مسلمان عربن، ترڪن ۽ منگولن چڙھائي ڪري اجاڙي ڇڏيو پر وري وري آباد ٿي اھميت حاصل ڪئي. [[قجر شاھي گھراڻو|قجر گھراڻي]] جي بادشاھ [[آغا محمد خان قجر]] 1796 ۾ روس سان جنگين دوران ڪوھ قاف جي علائقي کسجي وڃڻ ڪري، ڪوھ قاف جي ويجھو ھجڻ ڪري ھن شھر کي گادي جو هنڌ بڻايو. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/585619/Tehran |title=Tehran (Iran) : Introduction – Britannica Online Encyclopedia |work=Encyclopædia Britannica|accessdate=2012-05-21}}</ref>
Tehran is home to many historical collections, including the royal complexes of [[Golestan Palace|Golestan]], [[Sa'dabad Complex|Sa'dabad]], and [[Niavaran Complex|Niavaran]], where the two last dynasties of the former Imperial State of Iran were seated. Tehran's most famous landmarks include the [[Azadi Tower]], a memorial built under the reign of [[Mohammad Reza Pahlavi|Mohammad Reza Shah]] of the [[Pahlavi dynasty]] in 1971 to mark the [[2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire|2,500th year of the foundation of the Imperial State of Iran]], and the [[Milad Tower]], the world's [[List of tallest towers|sixth-tallest self-supporting tower]] which was completed in 2007. The [[Tabiat Bridge]], a newly-built landmark, was completed in 2014.<ref name="archdaily">{{Cite web |url=http://www.archdaily.com/566387/tabiat-pedestrian-bridge-diba-tensile-architecture |title=Tabiat Pedestrian Bridge / Diba Tensile Architecture |publisher=[[ArchDaily]] |date=November 17, 2014}}</ref>
==مشھور جايون==
The majority of the population of Tehran are [[Persian people|Persian-speaking people]],<ref name="tabnak"/><ref name="Mohammad">{{Cite book |author=Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal; McDonald, Peter; Hosseini-Chavoshi, Meimanat. |title=The Fertility Transition in Iran: Revolution and Reproduction |publisher=Springer |date=September 30, 2009 |pages=100–101 |chapter=Region of Residence}}</ref> and roughly 99% of the population understand and speak [[Persian language|Persian]], but there are large populations of [[Ethnicities in Iran|other ethno-linguistic groups]] who live in Tehran and speak Persian as a second language.<ref>{{Cite book |author=Schuppe, Mareike. |title=Coping with Growth in Tehran: Strategies of Development Regulation |publisher=GRIN Verlag |date=2008 |page=13 |quote=Besides Persian, there are Azari, Armenian, and Jewish communities in Tehran. The vast majority of Tehran's residents are Persian-speaking (98.3%).}}</ref>
تھران مشھور تاريخي جاين سان ڀريل آهي جن م [[گولستان محل]]، [[سعد آباد واري عمارت]]، [[نياوران ڪامپليڪس]] پڻ شامل آهن جن م گذريل ٻن شاھي گھراڻن جي رھائش ۽ درٻارون ھيون. ھن شھر جي مشھور جاين ۾ [[ آزادي ٽاور]] ھڪ آهي جيڪو [[محمد رضا پھلوي(ايران)|رضا شاھ پھلوي]] 1971 م فارس جي شھنشاھيت جي اڍائي ھزار سالا جشن جي تقريب جي ياد ۾ ٺھرايل ھڪ يادگار آھي. ا شھر جو ميلاد ٽاور 2007 م مڪمل ٿيو جيڪو دنيا جي بغير ٽيڪ وارن منارن ۾ ڇھون نمبر وڏو منارو آھي. طبعيت پل بہ مشھور جاء آھي جيڪا 2014 ۾ ٺھي راس ٿي.<ref name="archdaily">{{Cite web |url=http://www.archdaily.com/566387/tabiat-pedestrian-bridge-diba-tensile-architecture |title=Tabiat Pedestrian Bridge / Diba Tensile Architecture |publisher=[[ArchDaily]] |date=November 17, 2014}}</ref>
Tehran has an international airport (Imam [[Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport|Khomeini]] Airport), a domestic airport ([[Mehrabad International Airport|Mehrabad]] Airport), a [[Tehran railway station|central railway station]], the [[rapid transit]] system of [[Tehran Metro]], a [[bus rapid transit]] system, [[Trolleybuses in Tehran|trolleybuses]], and [[List of Expressways in Tehran|a large network of highways]].
There have been plans to relocate Iran's capital from Tehran to another area, due mainly to [[air pollution]] and the city's exposure to earthquakes. To date, no definitive plans have been approved. A 2016 survey of 230 cities by consultant [[Mercer (consulting firm)|Mercer]] ranked Tehran 203rd for [[quality of life]].<ref>{{cite news |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-diaspora-idUSKCN0WV16D |title=Iranian expats hard to woo as Western firms seek foothold in Iran |author=Barbaglia, Pamela. |work=[[Reuters]] |date=March 29, 2016}}</ref> According to the [[Tourism#MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index|Global Destinations Cities Index]] in 2016, Tehran is among the top ten fastest [[Tourism in Iran|growing destinations]].<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://newsroom.mastercard.com/press-releases/bangkok-takes-title-in-2016-mastercard-global-destinations-cities-index |title=Bangkok Takes Title in 2016 Mastercard Global Destinations Cities Index |author=Erenhouse, Ryan. |publisher=[[MasterCard]]'s newsroom |date=September 22, 2016}}</ref>
ھن شھر جي آبادي جي اڪثريت [[فارسي ماڻھو|فارسي ماڻھن]] جي آھي جن جي ٻولي [[فارسي ٻولي|فارسي]] آھي .<ref name="tabnak"/><ref name="Mohammad">{{Cite book |author=Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal; McDonald, Peter; Hosseini-Chavoshi, Meimanat. |title=The Fertility Transition in Iran: Revolution and Reproduction |publisher=Springer |date=September 30, 2009 |pages=100–101 |chapter=Region of Residence}}</ref>
October 6 is marked as Tehran Day based on a 2016 decision by members of the City Council, celebrating the day when the city was officially chosen as the capital of Iran by the Qajar dynasty back in 1907.<ref>https://ifpnews.com/exclusive/citizens-of-capital-mark-tehran-day-on-october-6/</ref>
<ref>{{Cite book |author=Schuppe, Mareike. |title=Coping with Growth in Tehran: Strategies of Development Regulation |publisher=GRIN Verlag |date=2008 |page=13 |quote=Besides Persian, there are Azari, Armenian, and Jewish communities in Tehran. The vast majority of Tehran's residents are Persian-speaking (98.3%).}} </ref> شھر جي 99 سيڪڙو آبادي فارسي ٻولي ڳالهائيندڙ آھي جن ۾ غير فارسي نسل جا ماڻھو بہ شامل آهن جن جي فارسي مادري زبان نہ پر رابطي واري زبان آھي.