وائسراء: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

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نئون صفحو: '''وائسراءِ''':{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= ''' viceroy '''}} ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|v|aɪ|s|r|ɔɪ}}) ھڪ عھديدار جو نالو آهي جيڪو شاھي حڪمر...
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
(ڪو بہ تفاوت ڪونھي)

ورجاءُ بمطابق 08:53, 11 آگسٽ 2019ع

وائسراءِ:(انگريزي: viceroy ) (/ˈvsrɔɪ/) ھڪ عھديدار جو نالو آهي جيڪو شاھي حڪمران يعني بادشاھ، راڻي، شھنشاھ، سلطان وغيره جي پاران ڪنھن بہ قبضي ۾ ملڪ، نوآبادي يا بيٺڪ، صوبي، شھر يا ڪنھن ٻي قوم جي مغلوب رياست جي بطور شاھي نائب يا شاھي نمائندي جي حڪومت ڪندو آهي. لاطيني ٻولي ۾ وائس (vice) لفظ جي معني آهي: ڪنھن جي جاء تي ؛ جڏھن تہ لفظ راءِ (roy) فرينچ ٻولي جو لفظ آهي جنهن جي معني آهي: بادشاھ. اھڙي طرح انھن

is an official who runs a country, colony, city, province, or sub-national state, in the name of and as the representative of the monarch of the territory. The term derives from the Latin prefix vice-, meaning "in the place of" and the French word roy, meaning "king".[1] A viceroy's territory may be called a viceroyalty, though this term is not always applied. The adjective form is viceregal,[2] less often viceroyal.[3] The term vicereine is sometimes used to indicate a female viceroy suo jure, although viceroy can serve as a gender-neutral term.[4] Vicereine is more commonly used to indicate a viceroy's wife.[4]

Viceroy is a form of royal appointment rather than noble rank. An individual viceroy often also held a noble title, however, such as Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma who was also Viceroy of India.

  1. "viceroy". www.dictionary.com. حاصل ڪيل 17 November 2018. Origin of viceroy 1515–25; < Middle French, equivalent to vice- vice- + roy king < Latin rēgem, accusative of rēx 
  2. "viceregal". OxfordDictionariesOnline.com. حاصل ڪيل 22 November 2014. 
  3. "Viceroyal, a", The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed. 1989, OED Online, Oxford University Press, 4 April 2000 <http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50277245>
  4. 4.0 4.1 "vicereine". OxfordDictionariesOnline.com. حاصل ڪيل 22 November 2014.