نيو يارڪ سٽي: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 121:
<ref name=NewYorkMinuteDefinition>{{cite web |url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/new%20york%20minute |title=Dictionary – Full Definition of ''New York Minute'|publisher=Merriam-Webster |accessdate=November 1, 2015}}</ref> ھي شھر گڏيل قومن جو صدر مقام پڻ آهي .<ref>[http://visit.un.org/content/plan-your-visit Plan your visit] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170314234417/http://visit.un.org/content/plan-your-visit |date=March 14, 2017 }}, [[United Nations]]. Accessed February 9, 2017. "The Headquarters of the United Nations is located in New York City, along the East River. When you pass through the gates of the United Nations visitors' entrance, you enter an international territory. This 18-acre site does not belong to just one country, but to all countries that have joined the Organization; currently, the United Nations has 193 Member States."</ref>ھي شھر بين الاقوامي سفارتڪاري جو پڻ مرڪز آھي.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nyc.gov/html/ia/html/home/home.shtml |title=NYC Mayor's Office for International Affairs |publisher=The City of New York |accessdate=June 24, 2015 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150616080757/http://www.nyc.gov/html/ia/html/home/home.shtml |archivedate=June 16, 2015 |df=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.digidiplomats.org/newyork/|title=Digital Diplomacy Coalition |publisher=Digital Diplomacy Coalition, New York|accessdate=August 11, 2018|quote=Established in 2014, DDC New York has partnered with the United Nations, major tech and social media companies, multiple governments, and NGOs to bring unique programs to the area community.}}</ref> ھن شھرجي بندرگاھ [[نيويارڪ ھاربر]] دنيا جي وڏي ۾ وڏي قدرتي بندرگاھ آھي.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.history.com/topics/new-york-city/videos/new-york-harbor |title=New York City |publisher=A&E Television Networks, LLC |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304110030/http://www.history.com/topics/new-york-city/videos/new-york-harbor |archivedate=March 4, 2016 |df=}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Port in a Storm: The Port of New York in World War II |url=http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/research_collections/research/history/hisportofnewyork.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20140429044423/http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/research_collections/research/history/hisportofnewyork.html |publisher=New York State Museum |accessdate=August 5, 2015 |archivedate=April 29, 2014}}</ref>
ھي شھر پنج [[بورا]] يا ضلعن يا ڪائونٽين تي مشتمل آهي. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.worldstatesmen.org/US_NYBOROUGHS.html |title=Boroughs of New York City |publisher=Ben Cahoon |year=2002 |access-date=October 5, 2015 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120211145920/http://www.worldstatesmen.org/US_NYBOROUGHS.html |archivedate=February 11, 2012 |df=}}</ref> جن جا نالا آھن: [[بروڪلن]]،[[ڪئينس ]]، [[مين ھيٽن]]، [[برونڪس ]]، [[اسٽيٽن ٻيٽ ]] جيڪي 1898 ۾ ملائي ھڪ شھر ۾ تبديل ڪيا ويا .<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.correctionhistory.org/html/chronicl/nycdoc/html/kbd_brnx.html |title=A 5-Borough Centennial Preface for Katharine Bement Davis Mini-History |publisher=The New York City Department of Correction |year=1997 |accessdate=October 26, 2011 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20111023193440/http://www.correctionhistory.org/html/chronicl/nycdoc/html/kbd_brnx.html |archivedate=October 23, 2011 |df=}}</ref> دنيا ۾ ارب پتي ماڻھن جو شھر سڏجندڙ ھي نيويارڪ 1624 ۾ ھيٺين مين ھيٽن واري جاء تي ڊچ ريپلڪ جي ڪالوني ٺاھيندڙن قائم ڪيو ء 1626 ۾ کيس نيو ايمسٽرڊيم جو نالو ڏنو ويو.<ref name="u-s-history.com">{{cite web |url=http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2122.html |title=United States History – History of New York City, New York |accessdate=September 9, 2012}}</ref> 1664 ۾ اھو شھر ۽ ان جي چوڌاري واقع علائقا انگريزن جي قبضي ۾ آيا ۽ ان وقت جي برطانيا جي بادشاھ [[چارلس ٻيون (انگلينڊ)|چارلس ٻئين]] اھو علائقو پنھنجي ڀاءُ [[جيمز ٻيون (انگلينڊ) |جيمز ٻئين، ڊيوڪ آف يارڪ]] کي ڏئي ڇڏيو جنھن ان شھر کي نيو يارڪ جو نئون نالو ڏنو. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/kingston/colonization.htm |title=Kingston: Discover 300 Years of New York History Dutch Colonies|publisher=National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |accessdate=May 10, 2011}}</ref> 1785 کان 1790 تائين ھي شھر يونائيٽيڊ اسٽيٽس جو گاديءَ جو هنڌ پڻ رھيو.<ref name=senate>{{cite web |url=https://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_item/Nine_Capitals_of_the_United_States.htm |title=The Nine Capitals of the United States |publisher=[[United States Senate]] |accessdate=September 7, 2008}}</ref> ۽ 1790 کان وٺي ھي شھر ملڪ جو سڀ کان وڏو شھر رھندو آيو آھي .<ref>{{cite web |url=https://www.census.gov/population/www/documentation/twps0027/tab01.txt |title=Rank by Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places, Listed Alphabetically by State: 1790–1990 |date=June 15, 1998 |publisher=U.S. Census Bureau |accessdate=February 8, 2009}}</ref> اوڻويھين ۽ ويھين صديءَ ۾ ھتي لکين ماڻھو لڏي آيا.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.history.com/topics/statue-of-liberty |title=Statue of Liberty |publisher=A&E Television Networks, LLC |accessdate=May 21, 2011}}</ref> ھن شھر ۾ لڳل مجسمو [[اسٽيچو آف لبرٽي]] دنيا ۾ ملڪ جي امن ۽ آزادي جي ھڪ سڃاڻپ آهي.<ref>{{cite web |title=Statue of Liberty |work=World Heritage |publisher=UNESCO World Heritage Centre 1992–2011 |url=http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/307 |accessdate=October 23, 2011}}</ref>
[[File:Core of New York City by Sentinel-2.jpg|alt=|thumb|نيويارڪ شھر جو وچ جتي مين ھيٽن ٻيٽ واقع آهي. ]]
ھي شھر يونائيٽيڊ اسٽيٽس جي اتر اوڀر ۾ [[نيو يارڪ رياست]] [[ھڊسن ندي]] جي اينٽلانٽڪ سمنڊ تي [[نيويارڪ بي]] ۾ ڇوڙ تي ۾ واقع آهي ۽ بوسٽن ۽ واشنگٽن ڊي سي جي وچ ۾ واقع آهي. بوسٽن کان ھن شھر جو فاصلو 217 ڪلوميٽر ۽ واشنگٽن ڊي سي کان 228 ڪلوميٽر آهي.<ref>Washington, D.C. is {{convert|228|mi|km}} driving distance from New York, and Boston is {{convert|217|mi|km}} driving distance from New York.&nbsp;– [https://maps.google.com/ Google Maps]</ref> <ref>{{cite web |url=http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/marinebio/fc.1.estuaries.html |title=Information About the Hudson River Estuary |publisher=Life.bio.sunysb.edu |accessdate=August 20, 2011}}</ref> [[برونڪس ندي جن شھر جي تازي پاڻي جو ھڪ وڏو وسيلو آھي. <ref name=nytimes>{{cite news |first=Joseph |last=Berger |title=Reclaimed Jewel Whose Attraction Can Be Perilous |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/20/nyregion/20river.html|work=The New York Times |date=July 19, 2010 |accessdate=July 21, 2010}}
</ref> آبادي ۾ اضافي ڪري ھن شھر جي ڪافي زمين سمنڊ مان ورتل آهي. ھيٺين مين ھيٽن جو علائقو بيٽري پارڪ سٽي سمنڊ جي پاڻيءَ مان ورتل زمين تي جوڙيو ويو آهي.<ref name="gillespie-p71">{{cite book |last=Gillespie |first=Angus K. |year=1999 |title=Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center |publisher=Rutgers University Press |page=71 |isbn=978-0-7838-9785-1}}</ref> شھر جي ڪل پکيڙ {{convert|468.484|sqmi}} جنھن ۾ {{convert|302.643|sqmi|abbr=on}} خشڪي ۽ {{convert|165.841|sqmi|abbr=on}}پاڻي شامل آهن.<ref name=CensusGazetteer>[http://www2.census.gov/geo/docs/maps-data/data/gazetteer/2010_place_list_36.txt New York State Gazetteer from 2010 United States Census], [[United States Census Bureau]]. Accessed February 9, 2017.</ref><ref name="NYT Land Estimate">{{cite news |work=The New York Times |title=It's Still a Big City, Just Not Quite So Big |first=Sam |last=Roberts |url=https://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/22/nyregion/22shrink.html |accessdate=May 22, 2008 |date=May 22, 2008}}
</ref> شھر جو بلند ترين ھنڌ [[ٽاڊٽ پھاڙ]] آهي جيڪو اسٽيٽن ٻيٽ ۾ واقع آهي جنھن جي اوچائي {{convert|409.8|ft}} آهي. <ref>{{cite book |last=Lundrigan |first=Margaret |title=Staten Island: Isle of the Bay, NY |publisher=Arcadia Publishing |year=2004 |isbn=978-0-7385-2443-6 |page=10}}</ref> ھن پھاڙ جي چوٽيءَ تي ٻيلي جا وڻ آھن جيڪي اسٽيٽن ٻيٽ جي گرين بيلٽ جو حصو آھن.