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ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 1:
{{Infobox embryology
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'''اؤر'''. يا '''اور''' {{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= ''' Placenta'''}}اهو پردو ۽ غدود، جيڪو ويم کان پوءِ مادي ([[عورت]] يا چوپائي) جي پيٽ مان نڪري، گهڻو ڪري چؤپاين کي ڦر ڄڻڻ کان پوءِ پيٽ مان -اور- نڪرندي آهي. عورت جي -اور- دايون ڪنهن غيرآباد زمين ۾ پوري ڇڏينديون آهن، انهيءَ ڪري ته جيئن ڪُتا، ٻلا يا ٻيا جانور -اور- کائي نه سگهن، ڇوته -اور- -انساني جسم- جو حصو هوندي آهي. سنڌ ۾ اهو تصور آهي ته جنهن ڌرتيءَ ۾ -انسان- جي -اور- پوريل هوندي اها کيس اوس ڇڪيندي، اهو -جنم- ڀوميءَ سان اٽوٽ لاڳاپي جو اهڃاڻ آهي.<ref>[http://encyclopediasindhiana.org/article.php?Dflt=%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B1 اور : (Sindhianaسنڌيانا)<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> اؤر جسم جو ھڪ عارضي عضوو ھوندو آھي جيڪو [[ناڙو|ناڙي]] (umbilical cord) ذريعي [[ٻچيداني]] (Uterus) سان ڳنڍيل ھوندو آھي ۽ بچي کي خوراڪ مھيا ڪندو آهي. ان کانسواءِ اؤر ٻچيداني ۾ ماء جي رت جي ذريعي گرمي جي درجي کي برقرار رکڻ، فالتو مادن جي نيڪال ۽ گيس جي تبديلي جو ڪم پڻ ڪندي آهي.
and to produce hormones which support pregnancy. Placentas are a defining characteristic of [[placental mammal]]s, but are also found in [[marsupials]] and some non-mammals with varying levels of development.<ref name="Pou92">Pough ''et al.'' 1992. Herpetology: Third Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall:Pearson Education, Inc., 2002.</ref>
The placenta functions as a fetomaternal organ with two components:<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://wishingclover.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-getting-know-placenta/#How_is_placenta_formed|title=How is Placenta Formed|last=|first=|date=|website=|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20171107060620/https://wishingclover.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-getting-know-placenta/#How_is_placenta_formed|archivedate=2017-11-07|deadurl=no|access-date=|df=}}</ref> the '''fetal placenta''' ([[Chorion frondosum]]), which develops from the same [[blastocyst]] that forms the fetus, and the '''maternal placenta''' ([[Decidua basalis]]), which develops from the maternal uterine tissue.<ref>[http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/maternal+placenta Definitions of placental- related terms.]</ref> It metabolizes a number of substances and can release metabolic products into maternal or fetal circulations. The placenta is expelled from the body upon [[childbirth|birth]] of the fetus.
The word ''placenta'' comes from the [[Latin]] word for a type of [[placenta cake|cake]], from [[Ancient Greek|Greek]] πλακόεντα/πλακοῦντα ''plakóenta/plakoúnta'', accusative of πλακόεις/πλακούς ''plakóeis/plakoús'', "flat, slab-like",<ref>[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2383445 Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, "A Greek-English Lexicon", at Perseus] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120405162717/http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%2383445 |date=2012-04-05 }}.</ref><ref>[http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=placenta "placenta"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160130235904/http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=placenta |date=2016-01-30 }}. ''[[Online Etymology Dictionary]]''.</ref> in reference to its round, flat appearance in humans. The classical plural is ''placentae'', but the form ''placentas'' is common in modern English and probably has the wider currency at present.
Placental mammals, such as humans, have a '''chorioallantoic placenta''' that forms from the [[chorion]] and [[allantois]]. In humans, the placenta averages 22&nbsp;cm (9&nbsp;inch) in length and 2–2.5&nbsp;cm (0.8–1&nbsp;inch) in thickness, with the center being the thickest, and the edges being the thinnest. It typically weighs approximately 500&nbsp;grams (just over 1&nbsp;lb). It has a dark reddish-blue or crimson color. It connects to the fetus by an [[umbilical cord]] of approximately 55–60&nbsp;cm (22–24&nbsp;inch) in length, which contains two [[umbilical artery|umbilical arteries]] and one [[umbilical vein]].<ref>[http://www.aafp.org/afp/980301ap/yetter.html Examination of the placenta] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111016175756/http://www.aafp.org/afp/980301ap/yetter.html |date=2011-10-16 }}</ref> The umbilical cord inserts into the [[chorionic plate]] (has an eccentric attachment). Vessels branch out over the surface of the placenta and further divide to form a network covered by a thin layer of cells. This results in the formation of villous tree structures. On the maternal side, these villous tree structures are grouped into lobules called [[Cotyledon (placenta)|cotyledon]]s. In humans, the placenta usually has a disc shape, but size varies vastly between different mammalian species.<ref>[
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