قانون ساز ادارو: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 5:
مختلف ملڪن ۾ مقننہ جا مختلف نالا ھوندا آھن.
جن ۾ مجلس شوریٰ، ڪانگريس، ڊائٽ، پارليامينٽ، قومي اسيمبلي، نيشنل اسيمبلي شامل آهن.
== Internal organization ==
Each chamber of the legislature consists of a number of legislators who use some form of [[parliamentary procedure]] to debate political issues and vote on proposed legislation. There must be a certain number of legislators present to carry out these activities; this is called a [[quorum]].
Some of the responsibilities of a legislature, such as giving first consideration to newly proposed legislation, are usually delegated to [[Committee|committees]] made up of a few of the members of the chamber(s).
The members of a legislature usually represent different [[Political party|political parties]]; the members from each party generally meet as a [[caucus]] to organize their internal affairs.