ڏکڻ سوڊان: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 14:
|subregion_color=ھلڪو نيرو}}
| image_map2 = South Sudan - Location Map (2012) - SSD - UNOCHA. svg
| capital = [[جوباجبا]]
| coordinates = {{Coord|04|51|N|31|36|E|type:city}}
| largest_city =جوباجبا
| official_languages = [[انگريزي]]<ref name="engwork">{{cite web |url=http://www.goss-online.org/magnoliaPublic/en/home/mainColumnParagraphs/0/content_files/file/FINAL%20TCRSS.doc |title=The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011 |accessdate=12 July 2011 |publisher=Government of South Sudan |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://swap.stanford.edu/20110721121619/http://www.goss-online.org/magnoliaPublic/en/home/mainColumnParagraphs/0/content_files/file/FINAL%20TCRSS.doc |archivedate=21 July 2011 }} Part One, 6(2). "English shall be the official working language in the Republic of South Sudan".</ref><ref name="glance">{{cite web |url=http://www.goss-online.org/magnoliaPublic/en/about/ataglance.html |archive-url=https://swap.stanford.edu/20110628170437/http%3A//www.goss%2Donline.org/magnoliaPublic/en/about/ataglance.html |dead-url=yes |archive-date=28 June 2011 |title=At a Glance |date=12 July 2011 |work=Official portal |publisher=Government of Southern Sudan |accessdate=24 July 2011 }}</ref>
| national_languages = {{hlist |[[باري ٻولي|باري ]] |[[ڊنڪا ٻولي|ڊنڪا ]] |[[لئو ٻولي|لئو]] |[[مورلي ٻولي|مورلي]] |[[نئير ٻولي|نئير]] |[[زئنڊي ٻولي|زئنڊي ]]}} <div style="line-height:1.25em;font-size:80%;"> ۽ لڳ ڀڳ 60 ٻيون ٻوليون </div>{{#tag:ref|The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, Part One, 6(1): "All indigenous languages of South Sudan are national languages and shall be respected, developed and promoted".<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sudantribune.com/IMG/pdf/The_Draft_Transitional_Constitution_of_the_ROSS2-2.pdf|title=The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011|accessdate=18 November 2016|publisher=Government of South Sudan}}</ref>|group=note}}
سِٽَ 86:
'''South Sudan''' ({{IPAc-en|audio=En-us-Sudan.ogg|s|uː|ˈ|d|æ|n|,_|-|ˈ|d|ɑː|n}}),<ref>{{citation|last=Wells|first=John C.|year=2008|title=Longman Pronunciation Dictionary|edition=3rd|publisher=Longman|isbn=978-1-4058-8118-0}}</ref><ref>{{citation|last=Roach|first=Peter|year=2011|title=Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary|edition=18th|place=Cambridge|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-15253-2}}</ref> officially known as the '''Republic of South Sudan''',<ref name="factbook">{{cite web |url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html |title=South Sudan |date=11 July 2011 |work=[[The World Factbook]] |publisher=[[CIA]] |accessdate=14 July 2011}}</ref> is a [[landlocked country]] in [[East Africa|East-Central Africa]].<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html|title=The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency|website=www.cia.gov}}</ref><ref name="UN classification of world regions">{{cite web |title=UN classification of world regions Eastern Africa: South Sudan
|url=http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm |publisher=UN |accessdate=25 September 2011}}</ref> The country gained its independence from the [[Republic of the Sudan]] in 2011, making it the newest country with widespread recognition. Its capital and largest city is [[Juba]].
'''ڏکڻ سوڊان'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي='''South Sudan'''}} ({{IPAc-en|audio=En-us-Sudan.ogg|s|uː|ˈ|d|æ|n|,_|-|ˈ|d|ɑː|n}}), <ref>{{citation|last=Wells|first=John C.|year=2008|title=Longman Pronunciation Dictionary|edition=3rd|publisher=Longman|isbn=978-1-4058-8118-0}}</ref><ref>{{citation|last=Roach|first=Peter|year=2011|title=Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary|edition=18th|place=Cambridge|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=978-0-521-15253-2}}</ref> officiallyسرڪاري knownنالو asريپبلڪ theآف '''Republicسائوٿ ofسوڊان South Sudan''',<ref name="factbook">{{cite web |url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html |title=South Sudan |date=11 July 2011 |work=[[The World Factbook]] |publisher=[[CIA]] |accessdate=14 July 2011}}</ref> isاوڀر aوچ [[landlockedآفريڪا country]] inجو [[Eastخشڪيءَ Africa|East-Centralسان Africa]]گھيريل ملڪ آهي.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/od.html|title=The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency|website=www.cia.gov}}</ref><ref name="UN classification of world regions">{{cite web |title=UN classification of world regions Eastern Africa: South Sudan
South Sudan is bordered by Sudan to the north, [[Ethiopia]] to the east, [[Kenya]] to the southeast, [[Uganda]] to the south, the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]] to the southwest and the [[Central African Republic]] to the west. It includes the vast swamp region of the [[Sudd]], formed by the [[White Nile]] and known locally as the ''Bahr al Jabal'', meaning "Mountain Sea". [[Nilotic peoples]] form the majority of its population. The territories of modern South Sudan and the Republic of the Sudan were occupied by [[History of Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty|Egypt]] under the [[Muhammad Ali dynasty]] and later governed as an [[Anglo-Egyptian Sudan|Anglo-Egyptian condominium]] until Sudanese independence was achieved in 1956. Following the [[First Sudanese Civil War]], the [[Southern Sudan Autonomous Region (1972–83)|Southern Sudan Autonomous Region]] was formed in 1972 and lasted until 1983. A [[Second Sudanese Civil War|second Sudanese civil war]] soon broke out and ended with the [[Comprehensive Peace Agreement]] of 2005. Later that year, southern autonomy was restored when an [[Autonomous Government of Southern Sudan]] was formed. South Sudan became an [[independent state]] on 9 July 2011, following [[South Sudanese independence referendum, 2011|a referendum]] that passed with 98.83% of the vote.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sJugNxYVA8 |title=Broadcast of Declaration of Independence (part 1) |publisher=Youtube.com |date=10 July 2011 |accessdate=2 May 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/user/Laseranthem#p/a/u/0/v5m4JUyBW38 |title=Broadcast of Declaration of Independence (part 2) |publisher=Youtube.com |date=19 June 2011 |accessdate=2 May 2013}}</ref>
|url=http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm |publisher=UN |accessdate=25 September 2011}}</ref> ھن ملڪ پنھنجي آزادي ريپبلڪ آف سوڊان کان 2011 ۾ حاصل ڪئي. ملڪ جو گاديءَ جو هنڌ [[جبا]] آھي.ھن ملڪ جون سرحدون اتر ۾ [[سوڊان]]، اوڀر ۾ [[ايٿوپيا]]، ڏکڻ اوڀر ۾ [[ڪينيا ]]، ڏکڻ ۾ [[يوگنڊا]]، ڏکڻ اولھ ۾ [[ڊيموڪريٽڪ ريپبلڪ آف ڪانگو]] ۽ اولھ ۾ [[سينٽرل آفريڪن ريپبلڪ]] سان ملن ٿيون.
South Sudan has a population of 12 million, with [[Christianity]] as the majority religio
ھن ملڪ جي خطي ۽ سوڊان تي مصر جي محمد علي واري شاھي خاندان جي حڪومت ھئي جنھن بعد اينگلو ايجپشن دؤر شروع ٿيو جيڪو سوڊان جي 1956 ۾ آزادي تائين جاري رھيو. [[پھرين سوڊاني گھرو ويڙھ]] جي نتيجي ۾ ڏکڻ سوڊان جو خودمختيار خطو قائم ٿيو جيڪو 1983 تائين جاري رھيو. [[ٻي سوڊاني گھرو ويڙھ]] جلد ئي شروع ٿي وئي جيڪا 2005 ۾ [[ڪامپريھينسو پيس ايگريمنٽ]](جامع امن معاهدي) سان ختم ٿي جنھن ذريعي ڏکڻ سوڊان جي خودمختيار خطي جي بحالي ٿي ۽ ڏکڻ سوڊان جي خودمختيار حڪومت قائم ٿي ۽ ڏکڻ سوڊان جي آزادي لاء ٿيل ريفرنڊم جي نتيجي ۾ 9 جولاءِ 2011 تي ڏکڻ سوڊان ھڪ آزاد ملڪ جي حيثيت اختيار ڪئي. ان ريفرنڊم ۾ 98.83 سيڪڙو ماڻهن آزادي جي حق ۾ ووٽ ڏنو. <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sJugNxYVA8 |title=Broadcast of Declaration of Independence (part 1) |publisher=Youtube.com |date=10 July 2011 |accessdate=2 May 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/user/Laseranthem#p/a/u/0/v5m4JUyBW38 |title=Broadcast of Declaration of Independence (part 2) |publisher=Youtube.com |date=19 June 2011 |accessdate=2 May 2013}}</ref>