فيصل آباد: جي ورجائن ۾ تفاوت

ڊاٿل مواد شامل ڪيل مواد
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
سنوار جو تَتُ ڪونهي
ٽيگَ: موبائل سنوار موبائل ويب سنوار
سِٽَ 109:
'''فيصل آباد'''{{ٻيا نالا|انگريزي= '''Faisalabad'''}} {{IPAc-en|lang|pron|f|ɑː|ɪ|s|ɑː|l|ˌ|b|ɑː|d}}; پاڪستان جو ٽيون ۽ پنجاب جو ٻيون وڏو شھر آھي جيڪو 1977 تائين لائل پور ('''Lyallpur''') جي نالي سان مشھور ھو پوءِ ان جو نالو شاھ فيصل جي نالي تي فيصل آباد رکيو ويو.
==تفصيلي تعارف==
برٽش Historicallyانڊيا oneجي ofدؤر the۾ firstقائم plannedٿيل citiesھي withinشھر [[Britishپھرين India]], itشھرن hasمان longھڪ sinceشھر developedھو intoجيڪو aمنصوبہ بندي سان ٺاھيو cosmopolitanويو metropolisھو. Faisalabadھن wasوقت restructuredميٽروپولس intoجي [[cityحيثيت district]]وارو status;ھي aشھر devolutionفيصل promulgatedآباد byضلعي the 2001۽ [[Localفيصل governmentآباد inڊويژن Pakistan|localجو governmentصدر ordinance]]مقام (LGO)آهي. Theفيصل totalآباد areaضلعي ofجي [[Faisalabadايراضي District]]5856 isچورس ڪلوميٽر آهي {{convert|5856|km2|abbr=on}}<ref> name=CoC>{{cite web |url=http://www.fcci.com.pk/a-histroty-of-faisalabad-city.html |title=The Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry |accessdate=April 15, 2017 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170522231138/http://www.fcci.com.pk/a-histroty-of-faisalabad-city.html |archivedate=22 May 2017 |df=dmy-all }}</ref>فيصل whileآباد theڊولپمينٽ areaاٿارٽي controlled(FDA) byجي theڪنٽرول [[Faisalabadوارو Developmentعلائقو Authority]]1280 (FDA)چورس isڪلوميٽر {{convert|1280|km2|abbr=on}}آهي. <ref name=LoP>{{cite web|url=http://www.lawsofpakistan.com/faisalabad-geography-city-district-government-towns-of-faisalabad/|title=Faisalabad Geography | date=April 12, 2013 |accessdate=April 15, 2017}}</ref><ref name=RPF>{{cite report | url=https://www.scribd.com/book/50333273 | publisher = University of Agriculture, Faisalabad | title=Regional Profile, Faisalabad | author = Ghulam Mustafa |year = 2009}}</ref>{{rp|8}} Faisalabadفيصل hasآباد grownجي toبيھڪ becomeپنجاب aجي majorوچ industrial۾ andھجڻ distributionڪري centreچؤطرف becauseسموري ofپنجاب itsسان centralروڊن locationريلوي inلائين the۽ regionھوائي andرستن connectingذريعي roads,ڳنڌيل rails,آھي andجنھن ڪري ھي شھر صنعت ۽ پيداواري ورھاست جو ھڪ وڏو مرڪز ٿي airويو transportationآهي.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://gcuf.edu.pk/about/the-city-faisalabad/|title=The City Faisalabad – GCUF|publisher=|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150424053923/http://gcuf.edu.pk/about/the-city-faisalabad/|archivedate=24 April 2015|df=dmy-all}}</ref> Itان hasکي beenتنھن referredڪري toپاڪستان asجو theمانچسٽر "[[Manchester]]چوندا ofآهن Pakistan".<ref name="uaf.edu.pk">{{cite report |date=2005 |title=International Conference on Soil Sustainability and Food Security |url=http://uaf.edu.pk/downloads/2nd_path/Brochure_SSFS_2015.pdf |publisher=University of Agriculture, Faisalabad |access-date=7 June 2016}}</ref><ref name="Jaffrelot 2002 57">{{cite book |page=57 |title=Pakistan: Nationalism Without A Nation |first=Christophe |last=Jaffrelot |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot |publisher=Zed Books |year=2002 |isbn=978-1-84277-117-4 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=I2avL3aZzSEC&pg=PA57}}</ref> Faisalabad contributes over 20 percent of Punjab's GDP, and has an average annual GDP of $20.5 billion.<ref name=PBIT>{{cite web| url=http://www.pbit.gop.pk/punjab_at_glance| title=Punjab At A Glance| publisher=Punjab Board of Investment & Trade, Government of The Punjab| date=2016| accessdate=April 15, 2017| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170416133204/http://www.pbit.gop.pk/punjab_at_glance| archive-date=16 April 2017| dead-url=yes| df=dmy-all}}</ref> Agriculture and industry remain its hallmark.<ref name=FCCI/><ref name=RPF />{{rp|41}}
date=7 June 2016}}</ref><ref >{{cite book |page=57 |title=Pakistan: Nationalism Without A Nation |first=Christophe |last=Jaffrelot |authorlink=Christophe Jaffrelot |publisher=Zed Books |year=2002 |isbn=978-1-84277-117-4 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=I2avL3aZzSEC&pg=PA57}}</ref>
پنجاب جي جي.ڊي.پي. جو 20 سيڪڙو حصو ڏيندڙ ھن شھر جي جي.ڊ.پي.20.5 بلين ڊالر آهي <ref> {{cite web| url=http://www.pbit.gop.pk/punjab_at_glance| title=Punjab At A Glance| publisher=Punjab Board of Investment & Trade, Government of The Punjab| date=2016| accessdate=April 15, 2017| archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170416133204/http://www.pbit.gop.pk/punjab_at_glance| archive-date=16 April 2017| dead-url=yes| df=dmy-all}}</ref>
Agriculture and industry remain its hallmark.<ref name=FCCI/>
<ref name=RPF />{{rp|41}}
The surrounding countryside, irrigated by the lower [[Chenab River]], produces cotton, wheat, sugarcane, maize, vegetables and fruits. The city is an industrial centre with major railway repair yards, engineering works, and mills that process sugar, flour, and [[oil seed]]. Faisalabad is a major producer of superphosphates, cotton and silk textiles, hosiery, dyes, industrial chemicals, beverages, clothing, pulp and paper, printing, agricultural equipment, and [[ghee]] (clarified butter). The Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry monitors industrial activity in the city and reports their findings to the [[Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry]] and provincial government. The city has a major [[dry port]] and [[Faisalabad Internat