Túrelio لاءِ واپرائيندڙ جون ڀاڱيداريون
5 سنوارون رکندڙ واپرائيندڙ. کاتو 11 جُولاءِ 2018ع تي کوليو ويو.
21 جُولاءِ 2024
- 07:5107:51, 21 جُولاءِ 2024 تفاوت سوانح +118 م ٽنڊرا (GR) Duplicate: File:Muskox and Geese.jpg → File:Muskox and Greater White-fronted Geese on vegetated beach ridges in front of the Igichuk Hills. (92e7aa72-1dd8-b71c-07d9-7fb3eabf6e60).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Muskox and Greater White-fronted Geese on vegetated beach ridges in front of the Igichuk Hills. (92e7aa72-1dd8-b71c-07d9-7fb3eabf6e60).jpg
29 سيپٽمبر 2021
- 09:0409:04, 29 سيپٽمبر 2021 تفاوت سوانح +153 م مارشل آئلينڊز (GR) Duplicate: File:Hilda Heine.jpg → File:President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, H.E. Hilda C. Heine, Participates in a Public Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery (37004671006).jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, H.E. Hilda C. Heine, Participates in a Public Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery (37004671006).jpg
10 جُونِ 2021
- 07:5007:50, 10 جُونِ 2021 تفاوت سوانح +55 م ھم جنس پرستي (GR) Duplicate: File:Make love not war.jpg → File:Gay Couple from back hand holding on CSD 2006 Berlin - Make Love Not War.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Gay Couple from back hand holding on CSD 2006 Berlin - Make Love Not War.jpg
12 ڊسمبر 2020
- 23:2523:25, 12 ڊسمبر 2020 تفاوت سوانح +24 م محمد ضیا الحق (GR) Duplicate: File:Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Ronald Reagan and William Clark 1982.jpg → File:President Ronald Reagan and Bill Clark meeting with President Mohammad Zia Ul Haq.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:President Ronald Reagan and Bill Clark meeting with President Mohammad Zia Ul Haq.jpg
15 آڪٽوبر 2020
- 08:1908:19, 15 آڪٽوبر 2020 تفاوت سوانح +2 م مومل جي ماڙي (GR) Duplicate: File:Momal mari.jpg → File:Momal mari m.jpg Exact or scaled-down duplicate: c::File:Momal mari m.jpg